"The test of progress is not whether we add more
to the abundance of those who have much;
it is whether we provide enough for those who have little."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937
"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live"
- Irish Proverb

PLEASE NOTE: I am looking for a Non-Partisan Group Supporting Peace in the Middle East

The causes I actively support with my time are those that focus on:

A summary of the nonprofits I support at Change.org.


Please continue to support charities you have in the past, or new groups that are working towards causes you believe in!! Arts groups, environmental groups, education groups and universities, animal groups, activist groups -- these are the groups that preserve your quality of life and fight for causes you believe in. The mission-based sector, also known as "nonprofits," have strict guidelines regarding how they can use funds and how they report use of those funds, and the vast majority are better run and more accountable than government agencies or for-profit businesses. You can learn more about how to investigate mission-based organizations and plan your financial giving carefully and strategically by visiting Guidestar.org.

Secondly, please don't be frustrated if your offer to volunteer onsite is turned away. Organizations CANNOT take everyone! For instance, many crisis situations require very organized, very strategized, very careful movement and expertise. There are often priorities that exceed your want to be on the front lines, wonderful and generous though it is. What's needed is your patience, your financial support, and your volunteerism in other ways -- call your local volunteer center (you can find the one nearest you at the Points of Light Foundation web site) and see what volunteer opportunities are available right in your own community. And donate blood -- it's always needed!

My Philanthropy: How I Donate My Money & My Time (and tips for you to donate too)

"Mommy, what's Saddlebacking?

This is a personal non-business-related page

This information posted by J. Cravens. The personal opinions expressed on this page are solely the opinion of Ms. Cravens, unless otherwise noted.

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