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by Jayne Cravens
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Questions to Ask for a Major
Report from the Developing World
Most people who write reports about their projects in the developing
world rely heavily on field staff to provide information. Often,
however, field staff aren't expert report writers, and struggle to
provide meaningful, timely information in a coherent written form.
These staff members can get bogged down in jargon, feel overwhelmed
at meeting reporting requirements, and be reluctant to report
information they feel reflects negatively on their performance.
Many report writers get around these obstacles by interviewing
field staff about their work, so that needed information is
provided through answers to questions. Such interviews, with
standardized questions, not only gather the information needed for
major reports, they can also build the capacity of field staff to
provide written information themselves. Interviews can be done
face-to-face, via phone or via email.
Here is a list of questions I used to interview staff at an
initiative in Afghanistan
that was focused on rural projects. I based these questions on
- previous monthly and quarterly reports by the project I was
working for
- suggestions and questions from donors, and what we
anticipated they might start asking for
- the initiative's stated objectives
- my own need for information that could lead to stories in
which the press might be interested.
- what information could be used for evaluation purposes later
These questions were provided in writing for staff to use when they
wrote reports, but we also used them in interviewing staff verbally,
as we found that many staff felt more comfortable talking than
- What did your unit accomplish this month/quarter?
- committees/assemblies established (where? how many?
purpose? results/outcomes/impact?)
- planning processes undertaken (where? how many? purpose?
- workshops undertaken (where? how many? purpose?
- workshops attended by staff (where? names of workshops?
sponsors? purpose? relationship of workshop's goal to our
- site visits (where? purpose? results/outcomes/impact?)
- projects begun, halted, continuing or completed (what?
where? purpose? why or how project begun, halted, continuing
or completed? results/outcomes/impact?)
- drafted or published Request for Proposal (RFP)?
(purpose? how communicated? chosen a proposal? how chosen?
who chosen?)
- special requests made to your unit by partner
organizations, donors, etc? (what and why? how handled?
- negotiations? collaborations? (with whom? purpose?
- evaluation undertaken? (purpose? method? time frame?
results? how results will be/have been communicated?)
- policy proposed? changed? scrapped? (purpose? work done
to date? results/outcomes/impact?)
- how did security, contract, procurement, transportation,
facilities or HR issues affect any of the above?
- How were women involved in or a focus of your activities
in this reporting period?
(to adapt this for your own needs, you could change this to a
focus on youth, for instance)
- What activities did you or those you support undertake
that were specifically focused on women?
- What activities did you or those you support undertake
that involved women in any way? (results/outcomes/impact?)
- How did you outreach to women during this reporting
period? (results/outcomes/impact?)
- How many women were involved in each of your activities?
- Did you prepare any materials regarding women-related
activities? (what? why? how delivered?
- Did you have any meetings with others regarding
women-related activities? (what? why?
- Did any of your activities focus on income-generating
activities/jobs for women?
- Did you have any communications at all with the Ministry
of Women's Affairs? (what and why? results/outcomes/impact?)
- Did you face any specific difficulties in involving
women, or in trying to involve women and, if so, what were
- If you have not undertaken any activities focused on
women or involving women especially in this period, say so,
and provide a reason why.
- Environment & Health
- What activities did you or those you support undertake
that were specifically focused on protecting natural
resources? (cleaning trash, recycling, proper waste water
disposal, etc.)
- What activities did you or those you support undertake
that involved were specifically focused on improving
sanitation? (including sanitation education/awareness)
- What activities did you or those you support undertake
that involved improving health? (including health
- HR/Staffing issues
- Did you create a post? (name of post? purpose? temporary
or permanent? who funds?)
- Did you interview anyone? (for what post? how many did
you interview? any special challenges?)
- Did you hire anyone? (for what post? any special
challenges in the hiring process?)
- Did you fire anyone? (for what post? why? how will this
affect the program? will he or she be replaced?)
- Did any staff attend any trainings or take any classes?
(name of workshop or class? purpose?)
- How is staff dealing with the work to be done? (enough
staff? enough qualified staff? training needed?)
- Misc.
- Did you create or introduce new systems, rules,
regulations or procedures? What and why?
- Did you engage in any activity or process to encourage
transparency and accountability?
- Did any of the projects with which you are involved
create skilled or unskilled labour days? How many?
- Other significant challenges and how you dealt with each:
- Conflict? Disagreements?
- Corruption? (bribes, falsifying reports, etc.)
- Misunderstandings?
- Lack of funds / funding gaps / funding installments?
- Policy changes?
- Security?
- Procurement?
- Transportation?
- Facilities?
- Bureaucracy?
- Training/Workshops
- That your unit provided (dates of event? purpose?)
- That your unit attended (dates of event? sponsors?
- Communications/Reporting issues
- proposals drafted or finalized? (name? purpose? how
delivered & to whom?)
- plans drafted or finalized? (name? purpose? how delivered
& to whom?)
- guidelines drafted or finalized? (name? purpose? how
delivered & to whom?)
- debriefing provided? (to whom? regarding what subject?
goal of debriefing?)
- HR issues affecting communications/reporting?
- communications/reporting with internal staff? government
staff/officials? partners? donors? (who? what? when? why?
- submitted information for the web site? (what?)
- translation issues?
- computer issues?
- how communication is done (face-to-face? onsite? phone?
email? issues with each?)
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