2. Worthy cause, desire to help, and grow new skills
3. Gain experience and build a portfolio.
4. I've been wanting to volunteer for a long time and wasn't sure how to go about it. I saw this on Lifetime's Attitude show and thought I would give it a try. I have extra time available and although I give financially to charities, I feel it is time to also give back to the community by offering my help.
5. To help out those who need the help, who would otherwise pay someone to do a job. I feel they should use the money to help someone or in a more useful way.
6. Generic, give somthing back to the community.
7. Something to occupy spare time and a feeling of helping others.
8. Want to get involved
9. I want to help out in the community and online was easily accessible
10. After years of being on boards of directors and working for non profits, I want some new volunteer experiences.
11. To make the world a better place for everyone
12. -
13. a)More proactive way to make or contribute to societal change, versus complaining.
b)Minority participation is extremely low in most nonprofit organizations.
c)I have diverse talents and skills that I try to keep current and relevant. Volunteerism offers broad opportunities and diverse situations in which to apply these skills. (I become a better person professionally)
14. To set an example for others, gain experience
15. I'm selfish. I like the feeling I get when I volunteer.
16. I want to become involved in people's lives and have a positive impact.
17. Real life experience in my particular field and help others simultaneously!
18. I enjoy volunteering, online is a new way to do so that is much morer convenient.
19. It makes me feel good to give
20. Many people have helped me in the past and I want to give something back
21. I want to help make a difference in some little ones' lives. I'm tired of feeling helpless everytime a tragedy is broadcast on the evening news and I'm tired of thinking that someone may have been able to help a child, but never did.
22. I had to in exchange of not paying a traffic ticket.
23. I love to volunteer and reach out to people that may need help or love that I can give to them.
24. To help
25. Basically it makes me feel useful and good
26. To gain experiance in the field I volunteered in.
27. Sense of community spirit and responsibility. Personal fulfillment. And upon moving to a new location, it's great for getting to know people I have found in the past.
28. Lost my job--didn't want to do nothing--helping out while strengthening my skills.
29. To gain experience and insight into the progressive industries such as environmental and/or political issues.
30. To contribute to the empowerment of fellow human beings and gain knowledge/understanding of certain issues.
31. I feel that it is important to serve the community and the projects that I feel strongly about. I have volunteered for Planned Parenthood through the Online Volunteer. I recenty moved to California and the online service was an easy way for me to find organizations that needed volunteers.
32. To do good
33. Alleviate a sense of guilt
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