Do what you love

On this day in 2001, I was at Dún Fhearghusa, also known as New Grange, in Ireland. As you can see from this photo, I was very happy. Why? Because it was the first time I had toured an ancient site created by humans in the BCE era, and I thought the experience was amazing. I decided that day that I would use the rest of my time in Europe to visit other such sites. I felt like I finally had a focus for my time in Europe outside of work.

You can read what I wrote back then here. Notice a comment near the end of the essay, how after leaving the site, about five hours after this photo was taken, I met a German guy at the bed and breakfast where I stayed in Slane.

That guy was Stefan.

Today, it’s eight years later. My but how I’ve changed his life. Positively topsy turvy.

We’ll be spending our anniversary looking for a place to live, followed by me cooking up a little feast.

2 responses to “Do what you love”

  1. Erica Avatar

    Going back and reading your old blog entry made me want to cry. I don't know why, I loved it…but it was so long ago and I loved being able to re-live it with you. Although, you might need to rewrite that part about not having a wild affair. 🙂

  2. Coyotebroad Avatar

    Now I'm getting choked up…

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