Month: April 2010
You can help people have jobs in Afghanistan!
Times are tough for people in the USA. So many people jobless, or under-employed. Much less extra income…
1000 miles riding my own motorcycle!
I’ve now ridden more than 1000 miles on my own motorcycle. Hurrah! Here is everywhere I’ve been so…
on science, theories, beliefs and superstitions
The Origin of Species is a SCIENTIFIC theory, not just a theory. And there’s a big difference in…
More photos from Australia
More photos from Australia, from what is now one of my favorite cities on Earth: Melbourne. And don’t…
This American Life – NUMMI
When I was in Australia, I met a woman who is a big fan of This American Life,…
Australia travelogue
I’m back from Australia, still severely jet-lagged. Since this was for work, I was online regularly (unlike when…
Recent Posts
- Celebrating the pioneering motorcycle travel adventurers Eric & Gail Haws
- The passing of greatness
- Merry Christmas