Quick update for Spring

I haven’t done an update in a while, and I apologize. I’ve been quite busy, which is a good thing: I’m doing another short-term contract, this time with TechSoup. I’m blogging about what over on my professional blog. It will last through May. Keeps me busy in the mornings, with plenty of time in the afternoons for long-term job hunting. How’s that going? Sigh…

I’ve been getting regularly inquiries into my CV consulting biz however, which has brought in enough money to buy all of the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Season 8 comics (who says I don’t have my financial priorities in order?!?).

The Japan disaster has dramatically increased my Google Ads revenue, because of this page, so I’ll be donating everything above my goal for March and April – which will total only about $25, but still — to an organization working in Japan on relief efforts. I had to put a hold on all my donations to organizations, with the exception of Bpeace; that hold stays put until I have a full time gig, or a short-term gig flush with cash.

In some recent evening downtime, I uploaded more photos from past trips, namely Ireland 2001 (when I met some German dude I later married) and my first trip to Egypt, in 2002.

We’ve ridden twice this year, far, far less than we had by this time last year. We haven’t ridden even 200 miles in 2011. Here’s our latest day trip.

We’ve been so bored we got up early on a Saturday and drove to Mt. Angel to watch a building be burned down. No, Stefan is STILL not a volunteer fireman in the USA – that’s probably the biggest reason we are looking to MOVE.

Enjoy my NCAA brackets. A whole lotta red there….

We’re headed to Mexico on April 2. I’ll be there until April 10, and Stefan will be there until almost until the end of the month (for work). Can’t wait to see Reb, who I haven’t seen since my wedding!


Looking for that perfect gift? My colleague Gunda continues to work with an Afghan businessman producing gorgeous leather bags and other products. You get a beautiful, unique purse, backpack or other bag, AND you help a business in Afghanistan (and more employment means less violence!).

Here’s why I love dogs and elephants more than people.

How stupid are we Americans? Pretty freakin stupid (I got four of the questions on the test wrong – I’m not brilliant, but I’m certainly not stupid).

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