Cool thing re: Forest Grove, redux

Since moving to Forest Grove, Oregon in late January 2013, I’ve been sending out tweets on my personal Twitter account, @jayne_a_broad regarding “cool things” about my life here.

As I said in my first blog about thiswhen I travel, or living abroad, I am often in this place of utter delight at each thing I encounter. But why not on a day-to-day basis? Why not treat where I live now as a place to observe and discover and delight in? Hence why I have been sending these tweets.

Here are the first 35. And here are the next 35:

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #36: Ravi Shankar – cat, not singer – running down block to greet me (I’d been out of town for a week)

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #37: Metro Master Gardeners ‏@therealdirt veggie-growing classes at the library.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #38: the annual pancake breakfast at @ForestGroveFire a few weeks ago. #nomnomnom

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #39: people that ask with great concern about Albi, my 16 year old blind pup, if they see me w/o her.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #40: Joe’s Ice Cream Deli and Catering (50’s styled soda fountain).

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #41: Most enthusiastic, vocal audience for a fireworks show ever. @ForestGroveFire

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #42: Calmest dogs at a fireworks show I have ever seen. Were they all given doggy downers?

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #43: Little girl neighbors hugged me after I gave them a bag of plums from tree in my yard.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #44: New neighbor taught me the ASL signs for BullSh|t and “Whatever!” (with eye roll)

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #45:
F G Sushi! Yummers!

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #46: group of little girls came to my door to pay me 78 cents for plums they picked.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #47: little girl saw me & Albi, begged to pet her. Huggeed her, asked if she could have her. Er, no.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #48: Methodists across street took my atheist plums with their donation to Catholic Church food bank.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #49: Ravi Shankar, cat that lives on corner of 16th & Birch. Same as #36. Yes, he’s that cool.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #50: Took plums from our tree to several neighbors. Got raspberries and brownies in return.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #51: Gray cat that comes to my back door if she hears/sees me in my home office, demands I pet her.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #52: Flying lawn mowers:

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #53: @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival w/ @coyotetrips. #awesomesauce

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #54: possible to ride bicycles to @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival from our house (> a mile). w/ @coyotetrips

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #55: Kapa Hula Makani Kolonohe (traditional hula dance) at @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #56: Taiko Drumming – Portland Taiko @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #57: Tahitian Dance – Ora Nui Dance Studio at @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #58: Little girl wearing Batman t-shirt w/ yellow cape at @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival #parentalwin

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #59: Korean Oregon Infusion BBQ at @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #60: Ambacht Brewery specialty gourmet ales (No IPAs!) at @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #61: @SakeOne guy that explained differences in sake to me, @coyotetrips at Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #62: Demos by & friendly members of @JapanKarateNW from Hillsboro at @SakeOne’s Annual Pacific Rim Fest

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #63: FROZEN Saketinis!!! @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival w/ @coyotetrips #jesuslivesinsaketinis

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #64: Everyone invited to participate in Obon Dancing by Oregon Buddhist Temple @SakeOne‘s Annual Pacific Rim Festival

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #65: Uncorked wine festival in August, featuring LOTS of wine, even some whiskey, gin & vodka. Good food too!

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #66: We can ride our bikes to McMennimins.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #67: People in our hood don’t water their lawns every dang day (learn something, Canby).

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #68: Asked @ForestGrovePD & @ForestGroveFire to post to FB re: not leaving pets in cars. & they did.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #69: Nicest postal service delivery folks EVER.

Cool thing re: Forest Grove, #Oregon #70: Hummingbirds!

To see future tweets as they happen, follow me on Twitter: @jayne_a_broad (account is focused on travel, motorcycle-riding, commuting, sci-fi – mostly fun stuff).

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