May Snippets

In a moment of frustration, I tweeted, “Are any of my Twitter followers real? Are any of them NOT bots, and/or trying to sell me something?” And a company in England that specializes in safety & security training & advice for people working humanitarian efforts wrote back “we’re real! And we now know what corn hole is thanks to you!” I’m a giver.

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Local news showed a story re: a couple celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary, and how they’ve received notes from famous people, including a hand written note from George Clooney. I wish we’d done that for my maternal grandparents when they celebrated their 70th. And then, when Mama Cym got a hand written note from George Clooney, she would have said, “Who is he? Is he related to Rosemary?”

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Saw “Mad Max”, to put myself in a better mood after a motorcycle class fiasco (don’t ask). Spoilers abound in the following: (1) I want a Furiosa action figure AND I WANT IT NOW (2) the old women at the end have given me a great vision for my retirement community someday (3) Even with all that said, I really don’t get all the hubub about this being an “aggressively feminist movie.” An aggressively feminist movie would have had a lot more than dainty women in white whining to be saved and sometimes shooting guns, old women on motorbikes, and a one-armed bad ass woman truck driver. An aggressively feminist movie would have had a woman chopping off a guy’s head, drinking his blood, and screaming “I HATE PENISES!!!” Oh well, off to write my screenplay.

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We had a very nice hike to end May. I took a few photos, as well as a short video of what may be Lucinda’s first time in the water. I freaked out the eager Tillamook Forest center worker. “Do you know much about the rough-skinned newt?” she asked from behind her information desk. “Well, yeah, I did my PhD thesis on them.” Her entire face fell. And then I told her I was kidding. I don’t think she was amused. So I asked lots of questions about the rough-skinned newt to make her feel better. She also said, “These are the most toxic creatures in Oregon!” And I said no, honey, *I* am the most toxic creature in Oregon.” And her colleague laughed, and she looked horrified. I shouldn’t be let out, I really shouldn’t.

Lucy and the Wilson River
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We had a party on Labor Day and invited several neighbors over, including their dogs. There were five in the backyard at one point. The next day, Lucy just could understand why our backyard cannot be full of dogs all the time. I swear that she was mad that our Memorial Day party didn’t mark the beginning of every day cookouts and dog visits.

And: can you find Gray Max the cat?

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“BREAKING: Swiss Police confirm that, when arrested, all seven FIFA officials threw themselves on the ground and pretended to be injured.” — Bret Bearup (yes, that one, the former U of KY player. He’s hilarious)

And on a related note: shame on every country rep that voted to re-elect Sepp Blatter. SHAME ON YOU.

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Mayhew International, an organization I became familiar with when I worked in Afghanistan, has recently carried out the first ever Street Dog Survey in Kabul, Afghanistan: a fantastic team of local volunteer vets & vet students have laid the groundwork for future mass vaccination and dog population management projects in Kabul. Donations made this happen. Please follow them on Facebook, share thehir status updates, and help this excellent organization that I love so much.

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I wish everyone knew this: in Oregon, every intersection is a crosswalk unless marked otherwise (ORS 811.028). The crosswalk does NOT have to be marked with white lines or a sign (like that pictured) to be a pedestrian crossing. The law states that if you see a person waiting to cross an intersection at a corner, and that person has made some effort to demonstrate their desire to cross (such as a foot moving into the roadway, a hand extended out into the crosswalk, etc.), and you’re able to stop in time, you must stop and let that person cross.

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Oh, what a surprise – drug testing welfare recipients is a huge waste of money, doesn’t prevent drug use. Awesome.

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“So a gay person wanting to pay you to do what you do for a living violates religious freedom but guys w/ guns surrounding a mosque doesn’t?” – LOLGOP

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