Thanksgiving Day 2021

8 a.m.: Create a Facebook album for 22 memes that I think are hilarious and need to be shared. Responses are many and positive. 

10:30 a.m.: Walk the dogs. 

11 a.m.: Make deviled eggs for the first time. Take a photo to show just how serious I am about this endeavor. 

Finish. Eat one broken egg to ensure I’ve done it all properly, share on egg with Stefan so he’s not left out, chill the rest. 

noon: Put turkey in oven, clean kitchen, listen to Alice’s Restaurant twice, singing along to the chorus every time. 

2 p.m. Sautee green beans in chopped garlic and onions. 

2:30 p.m. Prepare green bean casserole to bake

3:15 p.m. Take turkey out of oven, put in green bean casserole, begin chaos of trying to steam cauliflower, boil potatoes, make gravy and cook stuffing, all at the same time. 

4:15 p.m. Somehow serve everything on time, at the same time

Food on the table: Turkey, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes with mashed cauliflower snuck in, deviled eggs and champagne. Meal was followed by pecan pie (which I did NOT make myself). 

Afterwards, put everything away in tupperware, fill dishwasher and press “start”, boil turkey carcass to make broth and watch half of part one of Get Back. Collapse into bed at 9:30. 

So much to be thankful for: a beautiful, stable, peaceful home with someone I love. A table with an abundance of delicious food, on ceramic plates made in Stefan’s hometown, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany, on placements from Central America, on a table cloth from Kandahar, Afghanistan. We’re all connected whether we want to admit it or not. 

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. 

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