
I spent a week in Henderson, Kentucky. I’m so sorry I couldn’t announce it openly – I was there just a week and I was focused on spending time with my mother and helping to clean out her house. That meant I just couldn’t spend time with so many people I would have loved to see. 

If I didn’t get to see you, I’m so sorry. It’s nothing personal – I just really wanted to be focused on my Mom. 

I had a plan to write a blog as soon as I got back from Kentucky, but I got the ‘Rona. I so hope I didn’t give it to my Mom (so far, so good) nor to the few people I did spend time with in the evenings. COVID-19 for me has meant three days of constant, uncontrollable coughing and very little sleep, followed by four days of occasional, uncontrollable coughing and very little sleep. And I’m soooo tired, both from the virus and from lack of sleep. No fever, no body aches, no headache – for that, I’m oh-so-grateful. But I lost an entire day – I have no memory of an entire day. That’s so weird. 

I’ve been convalescing in the guest room, leaving it, while wearing a mask, to go to the bathroom and maybe pour myself a cup of coffee. Stefan has been wonderful, bringing me food, hot tea and Nyquil. 

So, a week later, I can finally write the blog I wanted to write. 

It’s been a hard time back in the USA, as all my closest friends know and readers of this blog know. I’ve tried for years to find something that gives me the fulfillment of working in my chosen career, and is as consuming, but it hasn’t worked out. I have tried to remake myself over and over to get a job. Nothing has worked. I’ve got so much to offer, and I long to learn and grow in that specific way you do when you’re working – but every day I’m trying to accept that those days are over. 

I’m so lucky to love my husband even more than the day I married him, to have a home with a dog that brings me so much comfort. I’m so lucky to have a stable life. I also am lucky to have found some things that, for brief moments here and there, give me the uplifting feeling equal to what a career gave me: learning piano, practicing guitar, hiking somewhere beautiful, learning Spanish and riding my motorcycle. 

Two things happened when I was in Kentucky that I really want to remember forever, and that’s why I wanted to blog about them. One of them was sharing my job frustrations with my mother, and for her to be incredibly understanding. My mother and I aren’t close – we’re just very different people. But I so deeply admire my mother for her career and the respect she commanded because of her work. She was a legal secretary and she had so many jobs over her long career. She had to constantly remake herself to keep working, and she had her biggest success at the end of her career, in her last job. 

In her 40s, after oh-so-many jobs, she became a deputy sheriff, handling the vast amounts of legal paperwork that came through the sheriff’s office and sometimes even explaining the law to other deputies. Her last job was as the assistant to the head of the entire county, and her boss used to say she was the person really running things. She could navigate red tape like nothing I’ve ever seen. She knew how to outmaneuver almost anyone trying to do something to make the county or her boss look bad. Because she had had so many different jobs, she knows all of the lawyers and elected officials in the county – and beyond – and she knows their motivations, good and bad. She rose to every occasion her jobs threw at her. And when she retired, it was on her own terms, on her own time, and she was lauded

I got to see my Mom in every job she ever had – I even got to help in the office sometimes – and I would listen to her on the phone and watch her talking with others, including people who were quite hostile, and she was diplomatic when she needed to be and firm and even forceful when she needed to be. And to have this professional icon of mine offer real understanding of what I’m facing meant the world to me. It was a validation I was so hungry for. It won’t change my unemployment status, but it was a confirmation about my skills and expertise and feeling that I really, really needed. 

That was one of the things I wanted to write about. The other one is about a compliment a friend gave me, out of the blue. She told me she was proud of me for traveling by motorcycle, for not just learning piano at 56 but posting videos of myself online, challenging everyone else to try something too, and for trying to learn Spanish. I almost started to cry into my burrito. It was a completely unsolicited remark. And it means the world to me. Thank you, Carol. You’re pretty damn wonderful yourself. 

I’m going to keep trying. I hope you will too. 

One response to “Thankful.”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I have such fond memories of your mom when we were younger. Tootie was always a go-getter. Just stating the facts Jayne you are pretty wonderful. 😘

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