A massive crowd fills a high school gym.

We need to be impossible to ignore

On Saturday, February 15, I went to the town hall of US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon). I’m very glad that both of my US Senators, and my US Congressional representative, hold REGULAR town halls. Unlike Republicans in, say, Kentucky. And they face very tough comments every time. Agree with them or not, there they are, hearing directly and immediately from their constituents. I strongly encourage you to show up for such town halls and to confront your elected officials – and to be there to applaud those who do so.

I live blogged the event on both Mastodon and BlueSky (links go to the threads).

One thing that struck me – and annoyed me – was Senator Wyden saying that we needed “grassroots mobilizing” to address the coup that is happening right now at the federal government. If you look up what “grassroots” activities mean, you get this:

  • Hosting house meetings or parties
  • Setting up information tables in public places or at events
  • Gathering signatures for petitions
  • Mobilizing letter-writing, phone-calling and emailing campaigns
  • Putting up posters and handing out literature
  • Raising money from many small donors for political advertising or campaigns
  • Organizing demonstrations
  • Asking individuals to submit opinions to media outlets and government officials
  • Registering voters and holding get out the vote activities

That is a great strategy for most political fights, absolutely. I’ve engaged in most of those activities. Many, many thousands of people engaged in these activities for the last election, with commitment and passion – and even with all this mobilizing, which Republicans did NOT do, a majority of people who voted decided to vote for the fascist currently in the White House. All that grassroots work was no match for the powerful, hateful, fear-based message of the Republican Party.

So to tell us now that we need to try all this grassroots organization again, because may next time, it will work… it’s insulting.

I remember the advocacy of Queer Nation back in the 1980s. It was loud. And visual. And amazing. And effective. There was nothing nice or passive about it. It got attention. And it got results. It scared people. It could not be ignored. I’ve been thinking about that Queer Nation advocacy a lot lately. And the 1977 “The 504 Sit-In”, the longest non-violent occupation of a federal building in United States history that changed laws for people with disabilities (and all of us) . And black activists sitting at lunch counters.

Heck, I’ve been thinking about January 6: ultimately, those rioters won. They got what they wanted.

I think it’s time to be a lot more loud and impossible to ignore. And please note that all of the actions I referenced were non-violent.

I just am lacking any vision or leadership abilities to make something happen.

Also see:

What to do in the face of an impending fascist regime (I wrote this in AUGUST of last year – I knew what was coming)

Don’t align, don’t cooperate, don’t endorse, don’t self-censor & don’t abandon your allies.

Your Nonprofit CAN Resist. Here’s how.

Your nonprofit WILL be targeted with misinformation; prepare now.

finding strength, knowing you aren’t alone & being a part of a caring community – no God required.

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