Coyote Helps: My Dream of a Foundation
Coyote Helps is a dream - my dream to someday establish a
funding foundation headed by me,
Cravens, and
Dietz. As of now, however, it does not exist.
This foundation, if it ever became a reality, would fund nonprofit
organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities and school
projects we feel most passionate about and are most worthwhile.
Nonprofits we long to support with hefty financial gifts that we
currently do not have:
- Mayhew International
(based in England, this organization helps animal-welfare organizations
around the world, including in Afghanistan and Romania)
- animal shelters serving rural counties in the USA, such as Desert
Haven Animal Society, serving Nye County, Nevada
- Appalshop
(Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan),
an Afghan-based NGO that works to encourage the active participation of
Afghan women in the reconstruction and development of a safe, just
society where all Afghans - regardless of race, ethnicity, tribe,
language, gender or religion - benefit equally from development.
- Business Council for Peace (BPEACE)
- Riders for Health
- Planned Parenthood
International and local clinics in Kentucky and throughout the
Southern USA
- CARE International
- NGOs in Afghanistan, India, Mexico and Central America that help women
and girls, train local people in good jobs (anything from being a
motorcycle mechanic to nursing to ecotourism), and help preserve
precious wildlife.
I would also love to fund nonprofit organizations and NGOs that provide
training to other nonprofits & NGOs regarding any activity that helps
them to become more sustainable, effective and ethical.
I would also fund a series of scholarships for students studying theater,
journalism, music or English at Western Kentucky University that attended
their last four years of high school at a Kentucky public high
It would not fund organizations that promote religion,
organizations that discriminate on the basis of religion (or lack their
of) or sexual orientation, nor those that promote the limiting of
women's rights, including reproductive choices.
I'd also would love to fund:
- a
nonprofit traveler's Hostel in Louisville, Kentucky.
- a
nonprofit wilderness hostel in Tillamook Forest, Oregon.
- a
national movement to create hostels across the USA - wilderness
hostels like in Canada and regular hostels like in England and
Germany. With a web site that outlines how a community can build
support for a nonprofit traveler's hostel, how to form a nonprofit for
the effort, what the different roles for volunteers are in building
support, an outline of a business plan, the variety of ways a hostel
can look and what it can offer, etc.
- a
community radio station
wherever I'm living - and a movement to create these across the USA.
As local newspapers continue to die, and as more and more people get
their information from podcasts and social media, and as we become
more and more divided socially, the need for community radio has never
been greater.
- a women's Retreat in Kentucky, Oregon and/or Idaho. A female-only
space. Beautiful, somewhat isolated place, with beautiful, natural
vistas and lots of opportunities to just sit alone and read (or
think), or to talk in small or large groups. A one-room library full
of a variety of books. Smart phones checked upon check-in - residents
can go to a special room and spend up to one hour - no more - with
their smart phone. Single room and dorm rooms available. Laundry
facilities (but not laundry services) provided. Horse-back riding,
hiking, tai chi, yoga, secular meditation, massage,
drumming/percussion, delicious healthy food options (including MEAT),
workshops on astronomy, history, cooking, keeping a journal, safety
and protecting mental health online, how to relax (especially to fall
asleep), how to recognize depression, and how to get involved in your
community (how to find and test out volunteering options, how to find
arts-related activities). Featured after lunch and evening movie
showing or podcast-presentation followed by a guided discussion. No
essential oils, no anti-science information, no lectures to carnivores
regarding the evils of eating meat, no makeovers, no beauty tips.
- Hike and bike trail from Atkinson Park in Henderson, Kentucky to
Spottsville (Kentucky). It would require a pedestrian bridge over
Highway 41 to Barrett Blvd., and then the trail would be on the South
side of Highway 60.
But those are just dreams. Because this foundation does not exist.
Solicitations for funding are NOT
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