As of November 30, 2013, this wiki is on hiatus; it will not be updated while on hiatus.
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Questions and Obstacles To Explore

This part of the overall ICT4EMPL Future Work project will produce an overview report on the state of play of novel forms of internet-mediated work activity: virtual volunteering, microvolunteering, crowd-sourced labour, crowdfunding, internet-mediated volunteering, internet-mediated work exchange (timebanks and complementary currency), etc., with regard to developing entrepreneurship and self employment, skills and social inclusion, and transition from education to employment for young people in the European Union.

These are the core issues that this part of the overall ICT4EMPL Future Work project is exploring:

(1) The lack of widely-available online volunteering work in the EU, compared to, say, in the USA, may include:

If you are based in the EU and have comments about the above possible reasons as to why there is not more online volunteering opportunities in the EU or for EU citizens, or your own ideas about possible reasons, please submit your ideas to send an email to Jayne Cravens at at

(2) For organizations based in the EU that are involving volunteers online in any way:

If you are based in the EU and work for an organization based in the EU, as a paid employee, consultant or volunteer, and this organization involves volunteers online in any way, please send your answers to the questions under item #3 to Jayne Cravens.

(3) Obstacles to leveraging online volunteering work into greater employability/career advancement in the EU may include:

What about

If you are based in the EU and have comments regarding the above, or have other suggestions regarding obstacles to people who are unemployed or under-employed in Europe leveraging online volunteering experience to increase their employability, please submit your ideas to send an email to Jayne Cravens.

Also see: Challenges to this research (obstacles we're facing in gathering information)

Wiki Contents

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If you are interested in virtual volunteering, not just as it applies to Europe but as it is undertaken worldwide, please see the Virtual Volunteering Wiki, which continues to be updated.

For more information on how organizations can leverage Internet-mediated volunteering, see:

This wiki is hosted by Jayne Cravens, the author of the paper Internet-mediated volunteering - the impact for Europe and author of this wiki