This part of the IOL site was last updated on June 1, 1998
Many people actively search for volunteer opportunities they can complete via home or work computers, because of time constraints, personal preference, a disability or a home-based obligation that prevents them from volunteering onsite. Virtual volunteering allows anyone to contribute time and expertise to nonprofit organizations, schools, government offices and other agencies that utilize volunteer services, without leaving his or her home or office.
Virtual volunteering also allows agencies to expand the benefits of their volunteer programs, by allowing for more volunteers to participate, and by utilizing volunteers in new areas. This type of volunteering helps agencies to further cultivate community support and to augment staff resources and existing volunteer program benefits.
For agencies: step-by-step details on setting up and managing a virtual volunteering program, and an index of online resources for volunteer managers.
volunteers: advice for those who want to
volunteer virtually, from how to find an
opportunity to how to make sure you are ready to
volunteer virtually.
Have you helped or do you help an organization
via your home or work computer?
Then We
Want to Hear From You!
This project is made possible by the generous support of
This program was initiated with the support of
This part of the Impact Online site was
launched on January 10, 1996
Home / About / Advice / Services / Virtual Volunteering / VolunteerMatch / Talk to Us Partners
Copyright © 1998 Impact Online, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
The Last Virtual
Volunteering Guidebook
available for purchase as
a paperback & an ebook
Completely revised and updated, &
includes lots more advice about microvolunteering!
Published January 2014.
Also see:
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