Most of my work is online, out in public, for absolutely anyone
to find and see, rather than tucked away on a company intranet or
in a class room or an academic journal. That means most of my work
is available for viewing by anyone, at any time.
Yes, it's intimidating.
But because of the nature of my work, that's how it has to be, and
therefore, I make it easy for you to see what I'm doing online - I
am supposed to be an expert in communicating and engaging with
people online, and I think it's important to show exactly how I do
that for myself.
Online communities were my first interactions with the Internet,
not the World Wide Web: I was on America Online groups in 1993 and
I was participating in, a
USENET newsgroup, as early as 1994, and I was the group's
moderator and facilator for many years. I'm so sad that so many of
these online communities have gone away - they were real
communities, where people met, collaborated, even
nonprofits together, even fell in love... the amount of
virtual volunteering back in the 1990s, and what those
communities did together OFFLINE, was astounding.
I fear those days are gone.
Online civility certainly
seems to be.
I'm such a grand old Dame of the Internet and online communities,
I even
a class on the subject for a university.
Anyway, if you see something I have said online that you think is
outrageous, that hurts you in some way, please contact me directly
and let's discuss it. As long as you aren't going to try to
belittle me, I'm going to listen.
Here's where to find me on social media (the main places):

Keywords I regularly look up on whatever social
media platform I'm using (if you use these, I will probably
eventually find you):
#TTVolMgrs (Thursday Tweet chat re: volunteer
My blog

I blog twice a month regarding nonprofits and NGOs and all
organizations that serve people rather than profits, engaging
volunteers, humanitarian / development / aid, communications,
tech4good, women & girls, Afghanistan, and
parks / tourism for development (development in the sense of
community and human development). I also sometimes
post about traveling and causes I personally support. You can
this blog via RSS, or follow me on a social media
channel to know when I write something new.
Also, I'm on several groups within different platforms. For

You can follow me
on Reddit and see everywhere I post. I am the
moderator and frequent poster to several communities,
- r/volunteer,
for the discussion of volunteerism, volunteer
opportunities and volunteer support and management.
- r/OregonVolunteers,
For nonprofits, schools, government programs &
community groups recruiting volunteers for unpaid roles
& tasks in support of a non-violent mission to help
the environment and communities, including promoting the
arts, helping the homeless, promoting water conservation,
etc. in Oregon, specifically.
- r/communityservice/,
to discuss community service & to offer advice to both
those compelled to perform such service & those
expected to create tasks for & supervise such.
- r/inclusion,
Why is inclusion a good idea? What are the challenges to
inclusive policies or practices? Share your questions,
advice & resources here.
I created Reddit4Good,
a list of online communities related to volunteerism,
community service, and various causes that nonprofits and
charities champion. Reddit is a fantastic way for nonprofits
and community groups to reach younger, male residents.
also on several LinkedIn Groups, including Virtual
Volunteering (for the discussion about engaging and
supporting volunteers online), AL!VE
(an association for managers of volunteers in the USA), UKVPMs
(for the discussion of managers of volunteers in the UK) and
University Global Development Management Programme Alumni.
I'm on very few Facebook groups, and none at all related to
my professional work.
There use to be far more groups I was on, especially via
email and YahooGroups. I even helped run an entire
community, the Aid Workers Network, back around 2005
or so, and for many years, I moderated and facilitated the TechSoup
Community Forum. But those communities are either gone
or so lifeless as to feel like they are gone.
You can still find an Internet discussion group for just
about any subject or geographic area (and if you cannot find
such, why not start your own? For advice on how to find such
groups, and how to learn to participate in online groups, see
this resource, The
dynamics of online culture & community.
Quick Links
my home
consulting services & my workshops
& presentations
credentials & expertise
Affirmation that this web site is
created & managed by a human.
My book: The
Last Virtual
Volunteering Guidebook
contact me
or see my
Free Resources: Community Outreach, With & Without Tech
Free Resources: On
Community Engagement, Volunteering & Volunteerism
Free Resources: Technology
Tips for Non-Techies
Free Resources:
Nonprofit, NGO & other mission-based management resources
Free Resources: Web
Development, Maintenance, Marketing for non-Web designers
Free Resources: Corporate
philanthropy / social responsibility programs
Free Resources: For people
& groups that want to volunteer
linking to
or from my web site
Coyote Helps Foundation
me on
social media (follow me, like me, put me in a circle,
subscribe to my newsletter)
how to
support my work
To know when I have developed a new
resource related to the above subjects, found a great
resource by someone else, published
new blog,
uploaded a new
or to when & where I'm training or presenting, use any
of the following social media apps to follow me on any of
these social media platforms:

Disclaimer: No guarantee of accuracy or suitability is made by
the poster/distributor of the materials on this web site.
This material is provided as is, with no expressed or implied
warranty or liability.
See my web site's privacy
Permission is granted to copy, present and/or distribute a limited
amount of material from my web site without charge if
the information is kept intact and without alteration, and is
credited to:
Otherwise, please contact me
for permission to reprint, present or distribute these materials
(for instance, in a class or book or online event for which you
intend to charge).
The art work and material on
this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2025
by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art comes from a link to
another web site).