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Sanchez Elementary School Online Mentoring Program
Tips for Online Mentors:
We suggest you plan for 30 minutes a week. This can be at anytime, day or night, that you choose!
If a student has not written you within an entire week (Monday through Friday), e-mail the appropriate teacher (see your e-mail program updates for this information) and let him or her know. Be sure to name your student!
In the September 1990 issue of NEWSWEEK called TEACHING OUR KIDS, it's noted that one of the things both phonics and whole-language advocates agree on is the value of writing instruction for young children that encourages children to think like writers and express themselves in writing long before they've mastered all the mechanics of language.
A person may fear that a child will forever write "while" as YL or spell "looks" as LUKS. However, according to the article, educators say that this early spelling is, in effect, a form of self-taught phonics; children are figuring out for themselves that the letters have particular sounds that come together to form words. Their guesses at spelling may not always be correct, but they usually exhibit some logic. And children who are encouraged to write early -- even before they know how to spell correctly -- learn to read more quickly.
So always praise kids for their subject matter and for expressing themselves, and THEN, as appropriate, correct spelling with the student. (I have noticed that, while sometimes the spelling isn't great, the grammar and flow of content in the e-mails are good, for the most part).
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This resource was developed by Jayne Cravens for Sanchez Elementary School in Austin, Texas; the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin; and the Virtual Volunteering Project. This online mentoring program is no longer operational; these web materials have been preserved to help other schools develop their own online mentoring programs. You can find more online mentoring resources here |