Kabul Kitty Demands
July 4, 2007
Congrats to Alex for passing her Catalan exam!!
So, a colleague/drinking buddy based in the great Northwest (my favorite kind of folk) wrote: "About time some cat pictures showed up in your set - I was about to accuse you of speciesism." See, he likes cats...
As Kabul Kitty had only just left my room, I decided right then and there to draft the Kabul Kitty Demands, which must be adhered to:
- screen door must be left unlatched; front door to my little room MUST be left unlocked and a bit ajar. This allows Kabul Kitty at will entrance. Failure to do so will result in loud Taliban-breaking-in-like noises
- Kabul Kitty must be greeted with much baby talk and petting
- Kabul Kitty will then proceed to the fridge and half-meow. Failure to immediately open the door will result in Kabul Kitty doing it herself and grabbing that-which-you-do-not-wish-her-to-grab
- Approved menu for Kabul Kitty: cheese, milk, tuna, leftover chicken. Selected item must be immediately provided upon demand. Failure to do soŠ well, it's not pretty, so don't go there.
- Following her meal, Kabul Kitty will require a vigorious head and shoulder rub and much baby talk, while both kitty and food provider are laying on the bed.
- Kabul Kitty will not tolerate humor made per her girth nor her half-meow (more like a soft "mrf").
- Kabul Kitty has the right to explore the closet and everything in it, at any time.
- Kabul Kitty has the right to ask to be let outside, only to turn around and come right back in, up to five times within an hour.
- Kabul Kitty has the right to go down seven doors and repeat the entire process with the French guy working for the UN air services.
More soon.
If you have read this blawg, PLEASE let me know.
Comments are welcomed, and motivate me o keep writing --
without comments, I start o think I'm talking o cyberair.
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