For those individuals who responded, saying that they were interested in volunteering with your organization. what was the next step after you received this e-mail of interest? (did you call or e-mail them with more information about the assignment? direct them complete an online application? immediately send them the assignment to get started on?)

  1. Sending an email about the project we started and ask more information (1) Exchange information about possibilities to stay in the Netherlands.(2).

  2. Once I received and email of interest, I sent out more information about our organization and the assisgnment that they are applying for, online application,and agreement form. >

  3. We email everyone who responds to our inquiries with a thank you and the assignment. We also have a volunteer coordinator (who is also a volunteer) that follows up with phone calls and further emails to solicit a response.

  4. E-mail information about the volunteer position, and asked them to respond if they were interested.

  5. We would get back to them by phone or email asking them what they had time to do with us, or asking for experience if they wanted to do web site design.

  6. Sent them an email directing them to our online sign-up, after which they received a welcome email immediately.

  7. Our next step for email inquiries on specuific positions is to reply with an application, refer tham to the website for more info on who we are, ask the to return email app and refernces and then move to assignment, I also talk about what/why the position exists

  8. E-mailed them with contact person, agency, address, telephone number.

  9. We have been acknowledging their requests by email, requesting some additional information and also providing some guidelines for activities that may be of interest. Lately, we have also been adding them to our free email idea-letter Simple Solutions which we hope will sustain and increase their interest in us.

  10. We call or email them w/in 24 hours of receipt.

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