What factors in your organization have promoted the success of involving
volunteers virtually? (having written task descriptions, having a volunteer
manager, getting staff buy-in, etc.)
2. having written task descriptions, having a volunteer manager, getting staff buy-in, etc.
3. No Response
4. No Response
5. n/a
6. None
7. The ability to give choice to give choice to the volunteers.
8. No Response
9. My best answer at this point is clarity and simplicity of the task. Written, clear position description, clearly communicated process - how this is going to work! -- all these seem to be helping. I have staff support. I also have Volunteer Managers who are interested, experienced and willing sounding boards to get input from.
10. No Response
11. The need for talented individuals.
12. no clue
13. No Response
14. We don't really have virtual volunteer opportunties. We have volunteer opportunities that we are promoting on-line.
15. Lots of volunteers. a few worked out.
16. We have staff who do not want to do the job themselves because it is very time consuming and they would be doing nothing else. But it ultimatly was because our executive director felt it was important for us to stay more informed.
17. No Response
18. We have not yet been successful in recruiting volunteers virtually.
19. N/A
20. Have doable tasks for a good cause
21. N/A
22. Success? our volunteer moved on to other things within 6 months.
23. Very clear descriptoins of the work... very easy data entry program.
24. Having a volunteer manager.
25. The ListBot free list, and my email supervision.
26. No Response
27. It helps that our organization is itself virtual -- everyone has e-mail and uses it as a primary form of communication.
28. No Response
29. No Response
30. No Response
31. No Response
32. No Response
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