2. No
3. Tutored English with recent immigrants.
4. No
5. I have volunteered to do web site construction and maintenance for a local arts council. Due to time restaints, I have not been able to volunteer offline, other than helping to tutor some kids at my old high school.
6. Yes, at EastBay Computing Center, commputer mentor and African American Shakespere Company, backstage help
7. Tutoring, letters to elderly
8. I used to be a volunteer coordinator in high school for three years and organize and participate in various programs
9. I have volunteered at the Akron Art Museum
10. You name it, I've done it!
11. Yes. beach clean-ups, food/party prep, 10 week internship in state govt
12. Tutoring
13. I work face-to-face (f2f) with clients at an nonprofit called Career Closet (since December 1998). I found the opportunity online. I also worked providing childcare at a drug/alcohol counseling center in the Summer of 1998.
14. No
15. Yes I have. I've done office work for a senior's center in my area. I served food for a Thanksgiving dinner a club at school had. I'm a blood donor. A classmate and I are organizing a blood drive at school for this February.
16. Yes, mentoring young people, adopt-a-highway, fund-raising.
17. Everything from serving food to cleaning up the community
18. Elderly visitation, donating sewing time, raffle help, cooking/baking for meal site.
19. I am now volunteering at an Alzheimer Day Center
20. I monitor a young girl (15) and take care of her in my home.
21. I have volunteered at Winterhaven (for homeless Veterans), Race for the Cure, I donate $5 every paycheck to Pediatric Aids/HIV Care, Pediatric Aids Foundation, Hospital for Sick Children and the Boarder Baby Project.
22. No
23. I teach Sunday school and mid-week school to nursery-2nd graders.
24. Nursing homes
25. Delivered for meals on wheels, tutored elementary kids
26. I was involved with the Scount for 14 years. I served as den leader, assistant cub master, cubmaster, committee chairman and troop treasurer for the boy scouts.
27. I now do office support for a NonProfit Institute (face to face volunteering, sort of). In the past I have worked on a suicide hotline and an HIV clinic.
28. When I was younger I volunteered for everything--chaired the youth commission, board of directors, LWV, church crib room, church social action committee, local, state, national political campaigns, collected for heart fund, cancer crusade, etc, etc, etc.
29. No
30. Volunteer at a hospital (distributing drinks, spending time with patients, performing in-take form duties, ...); tutor elementary school children, teach English to 3 Spanish-speaking children; assessing emergency needs and providing referrals or food/clothe/medical vouchers as appropriate.
31. I have helped raise money for Planned Parenthood since I was here in CA.
32. Sierra Club-environmental politics; Corporate Watch-corporate accountability; in the past, SF Symphony and Ballet-phone fundraising, greeting patrons, working at events; SF Foodbank-organized walkathon participation at my church and laid out the route in Golden Gate Park; SF University Designer Showcase-arts docent; New Langton Arts-mailings, ticket reservations, openings, fundraising events; many others
33. Habitat for Humanity twice & adult literacy training some years ago
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