This is an archived version of the Virtual Volunteering Project web site from January 2001. The materials on the web site were written or compiled by Jayne Cravens. The Virtual Volunteering Project has been discontinued. The Virtual Volunteering Project web site IS NO LONGER UPDATED. Email addresses associated with the Virtual Volunteering Project are no longer valid. For any URL that no longer works, type the URL into For new materials regarding online volunteering, see Jayne Cravens' web site (the section on volunteerism-related resources). |
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FAQs About the Virtual Volunteering Project
the dynamics of online culture & community This information was last updated on November 6, 2000 Learning to communicate primarily via written text can be a challenge for volunteer and manager alike. Sometimes, a volunteer manager or group leader will have to interpret people's communication and assist them to be clear and effective online. You will experience a wide variety of communicators as you work with online volunteers:
Working Together Online offers what the Virtual Volunteering Project feels is the some of the best advice regarding communicating with volunteers online:
One person who involves volunteers virtually told the VV Project Manager, "A few times when I 'etalked' with people for years as if they were undergrads, then found out they were department heads!!!"
The same has been true for the VV Project Manager, only in reverse: "A few times I have corresponded with an online volunteer for several weeks as if that person was a working professional, because of the tone of the person's e-mails and the quality of work. Later, I've realized, upon reviewing the original volunteer application, that the person is actually 14 or 15 years old!"
Written online exchanges can't tell us everything about a person, and can even be unintentionally misleading. Also, working with volunteers online, even those you have met face-to-face at some point, means you are unable to visually read a person's facial or voice "cues" about how they are feeling, their enthusiasm (or lack their of), etc.
Brenda Ruth of the Boulder Community Network has a lot of experience working with online volunteers, and says,
"E-mail opens up lots of opportunities for people who aren't comfortable in face-to-face communication. I find that people are OK about saying, 'no,' more so than if I called or was in person. Falling back on my communication studies in college, this makes sense because so many 'yes' answers are prompted by how the request was made in voice tone, physical proximity and inclusion of touch.
"The most successful projects are when I have declared expectations of what I expect when, and the volunteer can agree to it, or not and turn it down, or modify. I also find this when working with organizations, that people who aren't direct in physical meetings are so by e-mail.
"There is also the documentation factor that is available on e-mail and not in physical contact. Knowing that people can relook at what is said, or save what was said I think changes interaction online. One can't fall back on the classic, 'I called and left several messages last week...' You have proof that you did or did not send or receive them. For me personally, I will double check facts before I write something I am only a little bit familiar with. Whereas in speaking I wouldn't hesitate to make an educated guess."
"Online volunteers may come from a variety of cultures and my everyday terms can mean something totally different to them. For instance, in Australia a 'downy' is what we call a comforter or bed cover in the US. I can usually tell when there is a cultural difference by the physical structure of the written grammar. I've learned to watch for these types of indicators.
"Some people probably remember doing an exercise in school where one person stands at a chalkboard and the class gives verbal instructions to guide them through drawing a shape. The person at the chalkboard has not seen the shape. Usually, the result is a very different from the intended shape.
"The most important instructional writing guideline is 'don't assume'. Most of us tend to forget to start at the beginning and include absolutely every step. A good experiment is to try writing yourself instructions for a task. Then, follow your instructions exactly as they are written.
"My policy is to write e-mail in the same manner I would write a recipe or instruction manual. I try to be clear, concise and present my thoughts step by step. The language I use is simple. I avoid technical terms and e-mail abbreviations and sniglets, unless I've worked with the person enough to know they will understand my references. "
Learning to communicate with volunteers primarily via e-mail is an ongoing process, and electronic communication isn't for everyone. John Bergeron of the Glaucoma Research Foundation adds,
Join an Online Discussion Group
A great way to learn about the nuances of communicating with people online is to become a part of an online discussion group.
Start by joining an online group specifically for volunteer managers. If you work with young people, you might consider joining a discussion group of a TV show that's popular with teens, and observe how the youth interact with each other. You can also join groups that interest you personally -- for a particular hobby, your favorite author, a sports team you follow, even a political issue.
As you observe (or "lurk") on these groups, notice the variety of ways people relate to each other via written communications, the differences in communication styles among people of different age groups, how someone may get upset about a message that they interpreted as "hostile" but that looked quite benign to you, and so forth. Look for ways that people make their e-mails as appealing as possible -- the way the introduce a topic, the way the sign their e-mails, the way they respond to others, and so forth. If you feel comfortable, you might want to post a message yourself and actively participate.
You can find online discussion groups for just about any subject you can think of at these web sites:
Orienting and evaluating new online volunteers via e-mail and the Web and Managing volunteers virtually are also discussed in detail on our site.
A related page is our suggestions for accommodations for online volunteers who have learning disabilities or emotional and anxiety disorders. Most of these suggestions are fundamental to the successful management of ANY volunteer via e-mail and the Web. This information also will help you address the various learning styles and working styles of online volunteers. Part of our suggestions for Working via the Internet with volunteers who have disabilities.
Another related page is Making e-mail communications more effective, a helpful article written by Susan Ellis, based on her own experience as part of a board of directors that communicated primarily online.
You may also want to refer your online volunteers (and all staff, actually) to these online Netiquette guides:
By Virginia Shea, published by Albion Books. This online edition contains all the text and graphics from the bound book.
online etiquette - netiquette uncensored
Spam Is Not the Worst of It:
Email etiquette and related gripes
Open Directory's Netiquette Links
Online Community Toolkit
A great set of tools regarding online communities, from what they are to how to facilitate them to sample online community guidelines, rules and member agreements. This collection of helpful articles are by Full Circle Associates Nancy White, Sue Boettcher and Heather Duggan.
What's Working in Online Community Building
Resources from the Benton Foundation, including "Building Online Communities: Transforming Assumptions into Success", "Tips for Gaining More Experience in Online Community Building," and the transcripts from an online discussion hosted by the Benton Foundation Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 regarding building community on the Internet.
Social MUSHes and the
Anxiety of Communication
An abstract for a study by Christopher N. Larsen of Harvard on why online interactions are particularly appealing for those who experience anxiety during face-to-face conversation and for people with disabilities, as well as the characteristics that can emerge on an online community. This is part of the Journal of Virtual Environments, a "refereed electronic journal" which publishes academic research that relates to Virtual Environments or makes use of Virtual Environments. Of particular interest are psychological, anthropological, sociological approaches, as are the practical and technical aspects of creating, maintaining and administrating VEs.
Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams
an in-depth academic study by Dr. Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa that "explores the challenges of creating and maintaining trust in a global virtual team," particularly those that involve people of different cultures and interest, and varying degrees of commitment.
WELL Community Guidelines
an excellent example of rules for online communities and moderators. Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (WELL) began in 1985, starting with a dialog between the writers and readers of the Whole Earth Review. The WELL is now a "cluster of electronic villages on the Internet." There are more than 260 Conferences open to WELL members, covering subject categories such as "Parenting," "The Future," or "Pop Culture." WELL members have founded advocacy organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and their experiences have been used to explore online culture and community (such as in Howard Rheingold's The Virtual Community.
Psychology of Virtual Communities
Created and maintained by Storm A. King. An index of online journals and e-mail discussion groups that deal with the psychology of virtual communities and links to sites for researchers interested in the psychology of virtual communities; AND, research articles and essays by Storm A. King about Virtual Therapy, Online Self-Help Groups and The Psychology of Cyberspace.
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
A not-for-profit organization working to research, study, teach, support and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture. RCCS seeks to establish and support ongoing conversations about the emerging field, to foster a community of students, scholars, teachers, explorers, and builders of cyberculture, and to showcase various models, works-in-progress and online projects.
Online Communities: Opportunities and Challenges
Includes information on getting a community to become "effective online," and lessons from experience. By European Telework Online, "the European and International focal point for information, news and discussion on Telework, Teletrade and Telecooperation."
PsyberPsychology: A Literature Review Pertaining to the Psycho/Social Aspects of Multi-User Dimensions (MUDS) in Cyberspace
by James Sempsey III of Temple University. The history and development of virtual groups are briefly explained, with a particular emphasis placed upon the evolution of MUD environments. The "current" state of research in this area (gathered from multiple disciplines and originally published in 1996) is examined and the various emergent psycho/social phenomena of MUD interaction are identified and examined.
Using Real-Time Communications
With Volunteers
A growing number of organizations are using real-time communications -- usually called "chats" -- to hold online meetings with volunteers, or to allow volunteers to interact with staff, clients, or each other. This resource provides more information on chats -- what they are, how agencies are using them to interact with volunteers, tips to encourage and maintain participation in chats, and where to find chat software. This resource was developed by the Virtual Volunteering Project.
Internet discussion groups for volunteers
Many agencies have created e-mail-based discussion groups or newsgroups for their volunteers. These asynchronous online tools allow agencies to easily make announcements to volunteers, and sometimes also allow volunteers to interact with each other, get suggestions and feedback, and ask questions. They can also serve as a written record of participation, concerns, trends and issues for volunteers. Unlike chats, volunteers can participate whenever they wish, and they don't need special software to do so. This resource was developed by the Virtual Volunteering Project.
Connecting Humans: Essays on the Positive Side of Online Culture
Information, essays and examples that illustrate how cyberspace is bringing us together, not closing us off to each other. The kickoff essay is how Fan-Based Online Groups Use the Internet to Make a Difference. Includes examples of such groups, with comments from members regarding their online philanthropic activities and what makes them successful. This resource was developed by the Virtual Volunteering Project.
Groupware Links
CSCW or "Computer-Supported Cooperative Work" is the study of how people work together using computer technology. Typical types of applications include e-mail, awareness and notification systems, video conferencing, chat systems, multi-player games, and real time shared applications (such as collaborative writing or drawing). This site offers more information about CSCW, as well as many, many helpful links.
The forums of the Virtual Community Center at Electric Minds. The Center is made up of many online discussions covering the social aspects of working together online, primarily as an online community and in terms of many-to-many communications.
If you find this or any other Virtual Volunteering Project information helpful, or would like to add information based on your own experience, please contact us.
If you do use Virtual Volunteering Project materials in your own workshop or trainings, or republish materials in your own publications, please let us know, so that we can track how this information is disseminated.
This is an archived version of the Virtual Volunteering Project web site from January 2001. The materials on the web site were written or compiled by Jayne Cravens. The Virtual Volunteering Project has been discontinued. The Virtual Volunteering Project web site IS NO LONGER UPDATED. Email addresses associated with the Virtual Volunteering Project are no longer valid. For any URL that no longer works, type the URL into |
If you are interested in more up-to-date information about virtual volunteering, view the Virtual Volunteering Wiki.
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Jayne Cravens