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Contact Information for Jayne Cravens  

I probably really want to hear from you!

But FIRST, before you contact me:

That said, please DO contact me if you have a question about information on my web site, my availability for consulting and my fees, nonprofit management, communications for nonprofit/NGO or government initiatives, crisis communication, volunteer engagement, virtual volunteering/microvolunteering, Afghanistan, Kentucky, Oregon, my dog, my motorcycle... I do like sharing my opinion, but I don't like being asked for free consulting.

Also, I love hearing from university-based researchers (faculty or students, either way), members of the press, bloggers, students, nonprofit/NGO employees and volunteers - most anyone. And note that it is very easy to sweet talk me into reviewing your thesis or into offering academic research advice for free, as a volunteer (especially if you share your final paper with me).

When you get a reply via email, it's me - not a chat bot.

I sometimes receive one hundred emails in just a few days. And I have no staff - it's just me. Please, for my sanity, respect the aforementioned. And if you do know my email address and contact me that way: the more descriptive you can make your email subject line, the more likely I will open your email and that you will get a reply from me.

While I do give away a tremendous amount of information and advice away for free via my web site and on various online discussion groups, I'm also a consultant, and need to pay for my mortgage, utilities, insurance, and groceries. I'm happy to give you a quote for my services, but please be as specific as you can about what it is you might want me to do.

If you are from the press / the media, & need to contact me urgently, this is info just for you on how to contact me.

If you have written me and have not gotten a reply, review the above bullet points, and then have a look at my what's new page, which notes my availability - I may be out of town and unable to respond to you immediately. Feel free to contact me again. 

If you are writing in regard to a particular Web page on my site:
PLEASE give me the exact title of the page or the exact URL address - my web site is made up of a few hundred pages, and if you aren't specific, I won't have any idea what you are referring to.

If you want to suggest a link FROM my Web site, please read this linking criteria.

If, after reading all of the above, you're in doubt about whether or not to write, please contact me anyway; the worst that can happen is that I won't reply at all or that I'll say no. I'm grumpy only with those people who don't read the above bulleted text or assume I'm a man or grossly misspell my name.

Form to contact Jayne.

If you want to talk by Skype or Zoom or your own WebEx account, please note that I'm usually on USA West Coast time (same as Los Angeles). View my public calendar if you want to figure out where I am and my availability. 

You can also try sending me a direct message via the MANY online social networks I'm a part of.

I am on WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram- if you have that app too, and I am on your contact list, you can text me.

Or, if you would like to talk via phone, use the form to set up a time to talk.

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The art work and material on this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2025
by Jayne Cravens and Coyote Communications, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art is a link to another web site).