My travelogues - my blogs about my travels - as well as as my advice for travelers, are offered as opinions based on my experience and perspective. That means this information is filled with MY perspectives, MY observations, MY points of view and MY biases.
I don't write about only circumstances I witness. I also write about how I feel about what I witness. I compliment but I also criticize.
My opinion won't necessarily be your opinion. My perspective won't necessarily be your perspective. You may have a completely different experience than me. You may disagree, strongly, with my compliments or my criticisms - that is to be expected.
I make no claims to being completely accurate and I make NO claims to being impartial. But I hope I come from a place of honesty and sincerity in these accounts. I'm trying to both be helpful and to preserve, in writing, what I've experienced when I have traveled.
The dates on travelogues note when things were written/published, NOT necessarily when they happened.
Any activity incurs risk. The author assumes no responsibility for the use of information contained within these web pages.
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Some of my favorite photos from my travels. Very hard to pick favorites.
Disclaimer: Any activity incurs risk. The author assumes no responsibility for the use of information contained within this document.
This material is provided as is, with no expressed or implied warranty.
Permission is granted to copy, present and/or distribute a limited amount of material from my web site without charge if the information is kept intact and is credited to Jayne Cravens
Please contact me for permission to reprint, present or distribute these materials (for instance, in a class or book or online event for which you intend to charge).
The personal opinions expressed on this page are solely those of Ms. Cravens, unless otherwise noted.