Advice for Women Travelers:

I've already got Advice About Packing, but one of the points apparently needs more elabortation, given how many people ask me about it:

Which shoes to take for a trip depends on a lot of things:

Remember that every pair of shoes takes up a LOT of space. If you are like me when you fly, wanting to be able to take just one carry-on bag that will fit in the seat in front of me, plus one checked bag, and wanting a bit of space for something I might pick up during my trip, luggage space is at a premium.

I really don't care what people think about the shoes I'm wearing. But some women really do, and would be miserable wearing comfortable shoes that don't also look fabulous, but happy in shoes that hurt oh-so-much but make them feel pretty.

When I travel without my motorcycle and will be doing a lot of walking - which is MOST of the time - I take these shoes:

If I'm going on a business trip, I substitute a "nice" pair of shoes (closed toes) for either the trail running shoes or the Tevas. On a really short trip (two days), I either don't take the trail running shoes or the Tevas.

Seems like a lot to men - and to women, I often get the response, "That's it?!"

For me, this has been the perfect combination of shoes. I'm big on being practical and trying to travel as light as possible. I just don't get taking painful shoes, no matter how great they might look - even if you are going to have a private car taking you everywhere you need to go, you are going to be walking a lot in airports. Plus, I hate dealing with stuff while traveling, even when I'm going to be in the same hotel room or guest room the entire time.


When I backpacked (I no longer do), I took just my hiking boots and my Tevas - and was always wearing one of them: the boots when I had my pack on, and the Tevas around the camp, or short hikes without my pack. For flying, I suggest you wear your hiking boots on the plane - they just take up WAY too much space for packing. It will be rotten during security, because you will have to take them off then put them back on - and it will also be horrible on a long plain ride if you are not flexible enough to take them off in your cramped airplane seat, but that's a temporary discomfort and inconvenience.



If you have read anything on and found it helpful, or want to criticize it, PLEASE let me know.
Comments are welcomed, and motivate me to keep writing -- without comments, I start to think I'm talking to cyberair. I would welcome your support for my work as well.

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  Quick Links 
Index of resources for women travelers (how to get started, health & safety considerations, packing suggestions, transportation options, etc.
Advice for camping with your dogs in the USA
Saving Money with Park Passes in the USA
Advice for women motorcycle riders and travelers
transire benefaciendo: "to travel along while doing good." advice for those wanting to make their travel more than sight-seeing and shopping.
Suggestions for Women Aid Workers where the culture is more conservative/restrictive regarding women than most other countries.

Where I've been
A list of all of the states in the USA and all of the countries I have lived in or traveled in, the farthest North I've been by land, the nearest I've been to the equator, various other stats.
This includes all of the places I have traveled to and through via motorcycle.

Some of my favorite photos from my travels. Very hard to pick favorites.

Advice for Hotels, Hostels & Campgrounds in Transitional & Developing Countries: the Qualities of Great, Cheap Accommodations

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