Category: travel
Another amazing motorcycle trip through Eastern Oregon (& parts of Idaho and Nevada)
For the last week of September and first week of October, we rode 2531 miles (4050 km) for…
My favorite “ghost towns” or historic towns to visit in the USA
If I had to pick just one thing that is my favorite thing to visit in the USA,…
Eastern Oregon is better than the Coast for motorcycle travel!
That is my unpopular opinion, but there it is. My husband and I believe this about all of…
Cove Palisades State Parks in Oregon – wow
My usual disclaimer: so many Oregon State Parks are beautiful, with great campsites and wonderful hiking, but good…
Weekend at Milo McIver State Park with the Square Drop Micro Camper
It’s really hard to camp at state parks in Oregon: many are fully booked on the weekends six…
It is Unethical To Visit Afghanistan as a Tourist
It is unethical to visit Afghanistan as a tourist, and every travel blogger who has gone since the…
Our January 2024 Tour of Guatemala by Motorcycles!
Guatemala! What a trip! My husband (coyotetrips) and I were there for 12 full days in January 2024.…
My blawg has moved!
My blawg has moved! My personal blawg, talking about travel, politics, personal stuff, etc., has long been at…
Visit New Harmony, Indiana
New Harmony is a picturesque historic town on the Wabash River in Posey County, Indiana, and if you…
Having a dog does not prevent you from traveling: OPT TO ADOPT
Just finished a 17-day motorcycle adventure, mostly in Vancouver Island, but also on Mainland British Columbia and in…