As of November 30, 2013, this wiki is on hiatus; it will not be updated while on hiatus.
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Volunteerism Resources For Europe

A list of online and published resources related to volunteer engagement in Europe - studies, statistics, regional volunteer centres, national volunteer centers, volunteer matching services, etc.

For this purposes of this study, the term volunteer refers to any person who is donating labour to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities, community organisations, etc. The term does includes anyone undertaking such unpaid work regardless of their motivation for doing so.

This data was used to evaluate how much mainstream/traditional volunteerism organizations reference any form of Internet-mediated volunteering.

Studies about volunteerism in the EU overall or any European country since 2003:

Volunteering in the European Union - Study (2010) - The report provides research and insights of the current situation of volunteering in the European Union: [EN]

NCVO UK Civil Society Almanac - maps the the size and scope of the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom.

International organizations:
International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE)
European Volunteer Center (CEV)
Volonteurope (based in Germany, but European-focused)
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges (extensive list)
Betobe: network of online volunteering in English, French and Spanish.
Association of Voluntary Service Organizations - a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field. It provides youth work and training resources and organises training and contact-making activities to support organisations and National Agencies within the frame of the European Commission's Youth in Action programme and beyond.

UN Volunteers' Online Volunteering Service

Global Service Leaders - promotes the work of community service / volunteer service leaders worldwide, shares ideas, experiences and resources. Web site includes toolkits, country profiles, program profiles and research

Raising Effectiveness of Volunteering in Europe through Adult Learning (REVEAL) - "In spite of the increasingly recognised role of volunteering as a catalyst for social and economic development, many inefficiencies affect its impact and undermine its potential... REVEAL is designed to timely respond to the fact that volunteers carry out many managerial and organisational activities for which require specific training." The web site includes a tool that assesses the user’s knowledge and skills across a number of relevant areas (Project Management, Financial Management, Communication & Public Relations and Public Speaking, and HR Management and Volunteer Management). The site also provides free online training packages aimed to build the knowledge and skills of volunteers and volunteer managers throughout Europe regarding these subjects. Information is available in English, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Croatian and Swedish.

Resources by country:

Austria / Österreich
Interessensgemeinschaft Freiwilligenzentren Österreichs (IGFÖ)
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Austrian Agencies/Services

Association pour le Volontariat
Plate-Forme Francophone du Volontariat
Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Belgian Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Bulgarian Agencies/Services

Croatian Network of Volunteer Centers

Pan Cyprian Volunteerism Coordinative Council
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Cypress Agencies/Services

Czech Republic
HESTIA National Volunteer Center Prague
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Czech Republic Agencies/Services

Frivilligcentre og selvhjaelp Danmark (Frise)
Center for frivilligt socialt arbejde
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Danish Agencies/Services

Volunteer Development Estonia - Vabatahtliku Tegevuse Arenduskeskus
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Estonian Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Finnish Agencies/Services

For French citizens and residents:
France Bénévolat
Espace Bénévolat
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / French Agencies/Services

For organizations that engage volunteers / managers of volunteers

Germany (Deutschland)
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / German Agencies/Services
[[@\Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement]]
Deutscher Caritasverband, Verbund Freiwilligen-Zentren
Freiwilligen-Agentur Halle-Saalkreis e.V.
Freiwilligenagentur Münster
Freiwilligenagentur Bonn
Freiwilligen Agentur Bremen
Kölner Freiwilligen Agentur
Die //Freiwilligenagentur//: Ehrenamt in Stuttgart
Freiwilligen-Agentur-Leipzig e.V. (FwAL)
FreiwilligenAgentur Dortmund

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Greek Agencies/Services

Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány (National Volunteer Center)
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Hungarian Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Icelandic Agencies/Services

Volunteer Ireland
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Irish Agencies/Services

Centro Nazionale per il Volontariato (CNV)
Coordinamento Nazionale dei Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato - CSVnet
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Italian Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Latvian Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Lithuanian Agencies/Services

aha Liechtenstein Tipps & Infos für junge Leute - Liechtenstein]]

Agence du Bénévolat
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Luxembourg Agencies/Services

EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Malta Agencies/Services

Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid

Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk (National Volunteer Center)
MOVISIE (Netherlands Center for Social Development)
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Dutch Agencies/Services

e-wolontariat (e-volunteering)
Government-produced brochure in pdf format with practical information for Polish volunteers.
Government-produced information regarding volunteerism legislation and a sample contract for volunteers

Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado

Pro Vobis - National Resource Center for Volunteering
VOLUM Federation

Platform of Volunteer Centre and Organisations

Slovenska Filantropija / Slovene Philanthrophy

Spain / España
Plataforma del Voluntariado de España
evoluntas - for Spanish organizations - regarding volunteer engagement. Translated the first edition of the Virtual Volunteering Guidebook.
Haces Falta - for Spanish citizens, organizations and residents
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Spanish Agencies/Services and, based in Catalunya

Forum For Frivilligt Socialt Arbete
EU / European Youth Portal / European Volunteering Exchanges / Swedish Agencies/Services

Academy for young volunteers / die Akademie für junge Freiwillige
Alliance Sud - common platform for development policy lobbying by the six leading Swiss development organisations: Swissaid, Catholic Lenten Fund, Bread for all, Helvetas, Caritas and Interchurch Aid.
Benevol - The umbrella organization of volunteering agencies informs and counsels people, organisations and associations to all aspects of volunteering.

United Kingdom
For UK citizens and residents that want to volunteer:
Volunteering England
Do-It (for England)
Volunteering Scotland
Volunteering Wales
Volunteer NOW Northern Ireland official information on volunteer placements, rights and expenses

For those working with volunteers (recruiting, placing, managing) volunteers in the UK:
National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
**Association of Volunteer Managers** (UK)
PAVMI: The Professional Association of Volunteer Managers Ireland

Other European countries


Bosnia and Herzegovina





The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia



*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

Wiki Contents

--end of original wiki content--

If you are interested in virtual volunteering, not just as it applies to Europe but as it is undertaken worldwide, please see the Virtual Volunteering Wiki, which continues to be updated.

For more information on how organizations can leverage Internet-mediated volunteering, see:

This wiki is hosted by Jayne Cravens, the author of the paper Internet-mediated volunteering - the impact for Europe and author of this wiki