Large or mid-sized fund raising events, such as concerts, golf
tournaments, auctions, dinners, or walks and runs, can sometimes
be an effective way to raise money for a nonprofit organization.
However, there is nothing simple, easy or low-cost about any of
these events. Even a small event at your house
or in your yard, with just your friends has some costs and
requires at least some planning and clear financial management.
Larger events require even more planning, as well as
coordination with other organizations as well.
In addition, community events -- carnivals, performances, day
camps, lock-ins and other activities -- also come with many
costs and require a lot of planning and coordination
with other organizations in order to be successful and to not
get anyone into financial trouble.
This page is meant to provide details of what it takes to
create a successful fund raising or community event -- one that
actually raises money for a nonprofit or charity or provides
some kind of community benefit, and one that doesn't get anyone
into financial trouble - which happens all too often. Most of
the suggestions are for mid-sized and large events. There's an
entire section on small, very simple fund
raising activities as well.
Permission from the Organization
You will need written permission from the organization to hold
a fund raiser or any event on its behalf. Contact the
organization and tell them exactly what it is you want to do
regarding this event, how you will conduct financial accounting
for the money you make, including what budgeting
apps you will use, how you want to advertise, etc., and
ask about their rules for financial management, advertising,
branding, and any other policies they may have that can affect
your event. If they give you verbal agreement, then write an
email or letter and say, "This is to confirm our conversation
via phone/Skype/lunch at Arby's/whatever and your agreement that
I will hold an event on such-and-such date to raise money for
your organization."
If you want to hold an event for a person or family (to cover
medical bills, to cover funeral expenses, etc.) make sure you
have permission by the person or family to do so. Again, if they
give you a verbal okay, then write an email or letter and say,
"This is to confirm our conversation via phone/Skype/lunch at
Arby's/whatever and your agreement that I will hold an event on
such-and-such date to raise money for your
If the event is to help children, the elderly or any other
group, it's best to do such an event through an existing
organization, to add legitimacy for your activity and provide
the expertise and guidance you probably don't have on your own.
Plus, it can remove a tax liability - if you deposit money in
your bank account from a fundraising event, even if it's from
this event and you donate it immediately, you may have to pay
taxes on this!
If you think these steps are unnecessary, have a look at the Judge
Judy episode from August 22, 2016 about two people that
were supposed to do a fundraiser to raise money for medical
expenses for a sick child.
Why Will People Want to Attend?
To make the event worthwhile, you must have lots of attendees
that give you money.
People do not attend fundraising events where the reason is:
"This poor nonprofit is desperately in need of funds, please
come give some money!"
People's time is at a premium. There is a lot of competition
out there for people's spare time. Why would they want to spend
their precious spare time at your event? Answering these
questions can help:
- What do you envision as being the results of your event,
beyond money raised, and how will you confirm/prove these
results? For instance, are you going to also raise awareness
about the lack of medical coverage for so many people?
- What is important about the organization or population that
this event will benefit, and how will attendees know this or
become more energized about this by the event? What will
happen at the event that will achieve this?
- What's unique about your event, as opposed to all of the
many, many other charitable events happening?
- Are there already charitable golf tournaments, walks or
concerts or similar events happening in your area? Will those
organizing these other, existing events resent your efforts?
How will you assure the organizers of already-established
similar events that you are not trying to take their donors,
sponsors and volunteers or compete with their efforts?
Costs for Mid-Size to Large Events
No event is ever free. There are a number of things someone
must pay for, or have donated. These include some or all of the
following, depending on the size of the event and the venue
(most of these won't apply to a small event at
your house or in your yard, with just your friends):
- Rental cost for the venue
- Liability insurance
- Utilities/energy costs (lights, electricity, heat/air
conditioning, etc.)
- Sound system
- Janitorial services
- Food and drinks (many venues will NOT allow you to bring in
outside food and drink; they may require you to contract with
their food services exclusively)
- Dishes and cutlery
- Tables and chairs
- Security
- Parking
- Onsite paid staff (to supervise or manage all of the above
and related services, and even to manage volunteers)
In addition to all of the aforementioned costs related to the
venue, you will have other costs, depending on what you are going
to do at the event, such as:
- Performers/celebrities (not only their fees, but things
like transportation and accommodation)
- Qualified staff to lead activities
- Criminal background checks and screening of all staff,
including volunteers, particularly those who will interact
with children or vulnerable populations, who will handle
money, who will have access to contact information about
participants (their credit card numbers, their home addresses,
- Legal permits
- Printed programs
- Advertising
- Postage
- Swag (t-shirts, pins, pens, mugs, etc.)
- Photography
Not all events will have the same costs. If you are going to have
a 10K walk, it's not going to have the same costs as a benefit
concert. A bowl-a-thon isn't going to have the same costs as a car
wash. And a small event at your house or in your
yard, with just your friends, is going to have even less
A good way to anticipate all costs is to mentally imagine the
event, from start to finish, as an attendee. Picture the person
arriving at the event, and then everything that person will see
and experience. As you picture each scenario, think "who will
pay for that? who will provide that? who will be in charge of
that? who will make that happen?"
Asking for donated services is easier said than done. Bars,
restaurants, halls, venues, theaters, golf courses, parks and
various other venues are asked constantly to have their
facilities donated, and most refuse; they might have a reduced
rate for a nonprofit event, but there will still probably be a
rental fee. They will have to have staff at the event, to ensure
grounds or facilities are not damaged, and those people must be
The nonprofit organization or charity you are going to help
with this event does NOT want to be asked to fund any of the
costs of the event, including advertising, and they very likely
don't want to be asked to staff the event. If you think the
organization is going to pay for anything at all associated with
the event, such as postage for a mailing about the event, or
that they are going to staff the event, even attend the event,
you need to have this agreement made in writing.
You will have to do a lot of research to determine where you
will be holding the event. Budget will probably be the
determining factor. What you actually want to do during the
event will also influence your decision.
Logistics & Responsibilities
Even the most simple fund raising events
don't magically happen without much work. Hours and hours of
work takes place just so that an event begins on time. Again,
you need to mentally imagine the event, from start to finish, as
an attendee. Picture the person arriving at the event (even if
its something simple at your house), parking, walking through
the front door, and everything that person will see and
experience. As you picture each scenario, think "who will make
sure that happens? what will need to be done to make sure that's
where it's supposed to be?"
Make a list of absolutely everything that needs to be
done, and who will do each activity. Be as detailed as possible!
You will also need to do a detailed schedule of what needs to
happen when. What will happen an hour before the event and who
will do what? Two hours before the event? The morning of the
event? The night before the event? The week before the event?
Two weeks before the event?
How will you know each activity has been done? You must answer
this question to ensure that everything is taken care of!
Sponsors are asked to pay a fee that helps cover the costs to
hold the fundraising event, so that more of the funds paid by
attendees go to the nonprofit or charity. Your goal with
sponsors is to get enough money from them to pay for all
costs of the event, so that 100% of the money generated by
individual attendees goes to the charity or nonprofit.
Most of the organizations you approach to sponsor an event
will have already received dozens, maybe hundreds, maybe even
thousands, of requests to sponsor events. How will you
distinguish your fundraising event from all those others such
that a sponsor would want to fund your event?
What sponsors are looking for:
- a high-profile event that will generate a great deal of
media and public attention (television coverage, chatter on
online social networks, thousands of people attending, etc.)
- a high-impact event that has the potential to greatly raise
awareness, even change perceptions or beliefs, regarding a
particular cause
- a well-managed event with a documented system for how all
costs and income will be accounted for and documentation on
all logistics
- a very detailed budget for the event
- a projection of how much money, at minimum, you hope to
raise for the organization
- all of the above proven in writing, in a detailed proposal
Sponsors will also want to know how you will be publicizing their
support of the event. If you promise them a banner with their name
on it at the event, how big will the banner be, and who will pay
for it? If you are going to put the company's logo in the program,
how big will it be, and on what page?
To find sponsors, you need to do a LOT of research about what
companies are represented in your area and (1) what their
charitable focus has been in the last 12 - 24 months and (2)
what information they have online about their philanthropic
activities. Your local library can help you find this
information. You will use this information to make a list of
potential sponsors. You then need to ask the nonprofit you are
assisting and all volunteers who will be helping out if they
have any connection to these companies in some way. Use these
existing connections (friends and family of co-workers, past
employees, etc.) to find out whom to contact at the organization
regarding sponsorships. You may have to call the companies
yourself, "cold", with no one to introduce you, to find out who
sponsorship proposals should go to (it will be someone in the
human resources, marketing or public affairs department if it's
a large corporation).
Marketing the event is the easy part! For a large or mid-sized
event (rather than one you will have at your house, for
instance), you can:
- Make posters and ask area businesses and organizations to
display them in their windows
- Buy a mailing list and mail flyers to the addresses through
regular postal mail
- Take out ads in newspapers
- Insert flyers into the bulletins of communities of faith
(churches, temples and mosques)
- Create PSAs for local radio
- Send press releases to all local radio, TV, newspaper and
community bloggers
- Ask all volunteers to post about the event to their online
social networking profiles (FaceBook,
MySpace, etc.) and to
their blogs, and to email their friends and family about the
- Create a group on online social networking sites (FaceBook,
MySpace, etc.) and ask
all volunteers to join the group and to encourage their
friends and family to join such too
Marketing for a mid-size or large event needs to get out early
and often. People need to hear about the event, no matter the
size, months in advance, and then again weeks in advance, and
then again days in advance.
Track EVERY Donation In Writing
Keep a notebook or a spreadsheet and write down the name of
every person who donates, and how much they donate. Thank these
people after their donation with a card or postcard via postal
mail. Keep them updated about your fundraising efforts and the
work of the organization you fundraised on behalf of.
After the Experience
A few days after completion of the event, ask everyone
involved in putting on the event about their experience. Bring
them together for lunch for an informal discussion, or have all
group members complete a survey on SurveyMonkey
or Zoomerang. What did
they like? What did they learn? What do they wish had been
different? Document these results and think about how these
results could be shared with others to ensure future events work
as well or even better.
If you are involving volunteers to pull off this event, how
will you thank the volunteers for their efforts? Are there any
costs associated with your volunteer recognition, and who will
cover those costs?
Simple, Easy, Low-Cost Fund-Raising Events
So, you've read the above and you have become completely
overwhelmed. You have realized there is no way you have the time
and resources to do a large fundraising event. Don't give up:
there are simple, easy, low-cost fund-raising events you can do.
While they have a much lower profile and won't bring in
thousands of dollars, they will bring in money and create
excitement for an organization and its cause. They work on a
very personal level, and people appreciate their personal feel.
Remember: you must have permission from the organization before
you raise money on its behalf or try to speak on its behalf:
- Tell everyone via your FaceBook or other social media
profile, via email, at a social event, etc., that, during a
particular week, you will donate a certain percent of the
money you make to the organization, and encourage your friends
and family to do the same. Have them pledge to do so in a
public way, such as on their own FaceBook profile. When
someone makes a pledge, call them and email them, thank them,
and work out how you will collect the money for the
- Get a group of friends to work a series of jobs in the
informal sector (walk dogs, pet sit, provide child care/baby
sit, do yard work for neighbors and friends, wash cars, etc.)
to raise money for the organization or cause. Be up front with
neighbors, friends and family about why you are doing these
jobs and where the money will go. When someone hires you or
anyone on your team to do one of these jobs, call them and
email them, thank them, and work out how you will collect the
money for the organization. Tell everyone via your FaceBook
profile, via email, at a social event, etc., that you are
undertaking this activity and encourage them to hire one of
your team for informal work.
- Have a garage sale. Ask friends, relatives, neighbors and
others to donate items for your sale. Have large signs at the
garage sale that say you are raising money for a particular
organization or cause, and have flyers from the organization
so people can learn more about it. Tell everyone via your
FaceBook or MySpace profile, via email, at a social event,
etc., that you are undertaking this activity.
- Sell items on eBay. Ask
friends, relatives, neighbors and others to donate items for
your sale. Tell everyone via your FaceBook or MySpace profile,
via email, at a social event, etc., that you are undertaking
this activity and encourage them to have a look at what you
are selling, and to tell their own networks.
- Turn your birthday party into a fundraiser. Invite friends
to your house or to a restaurant, and ask in your invitation
that, in lieu of gifts, people make donations to the
organization or cause.
- Host a party, cookout or reception at your home, invite
your friends (and encourage them to invite their
friends), and show a film or documentary relating to the
organization you want to raise money for. Or, the film could
simply be a movie you and your friends really love. In your
invitation, note clearly that this is a fundraiser for a
particular organization and that you will be asking for
donations; do NOT wait until the party, cookout or reception
to tell invitees that you have invited them there in order to
ask for donations. At the event, make a brief speech
that you are raising money for the organization, and have
flyers from the organization so people can learn more about
- Hold a fundraiser at a local bar, with the local bar's
permission. Don't rent the facility; simply ask the bar if
there is a slow day or night that you could use as a
fundraiser for your cause. Tell everyone via your FaceBook or
MySpace profile, via email, at a social event, etc., that you
are undertaking this activity and encourage them to attend and
to share the information via their own networks as well. Ask a
band or friends who sing to provide entertainment (with
permission from the bar owner or manager), create a big wall
display about the organization, have information to pass out,
and make a five-minute speech before and in the middle of the
event saying what the event is about and how people can
- Sell home-made, baked goods at a small event, with
permission of the event organizers. Large events require those
who want to sell food to meet government health and safety
standards, so if you can't do that, stick to small events (a
career day at a school, an open house, etc.). Tell everyone
via your FaceBook or MySpace profile, via email, at a social
event, etc., that you are undertaking this activity and
encourage them to attend and tell their friends. Have
information about the organization to pass out and a sign that
lets people know where their money is going.
- Invite your friends to your house, back yard or park for a
shred or burn your grudge day. OR, make it a public event (but
you will have to get permission to do this activity if it's
open to the public and will take place in a public area). Each
person can write down on a piece of paper ONE bad thing that
has happened to him or her in the previous year, or ever - a
bad break-up, a negative experience on the job, losing a job,
a missed opportunity, a disappointment - and, for a small
donation for each grudge ($1? $5?), you shread the grudge in a
paper shredder or burn it. If you make this a public event,
you could end up with some media coverage for it.
- Have your group sell performing telegrams -- singing
telegrams, Shakespearean telegrams, etc. You will need to get
costumes somehow (ask friends and relatives). Advertise via
your FaceBook and MySpace profiles, via email, in fliers, in
the bulletin of your community of faith (church, temple,
mosque), etc., and always note that this is a fundraiser for a
particular group or cause. Encourage people to hire you or
your group's members to deliver in-person birthday,
anniversary, or other greetings. Don't make it an official
business -- don't take out advertising, for instance --
because official businesses need to be officially registered,
taxed, etc.
Other Resources
for Nonprofits: Special Events
10 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event
to Hold FUN Fundraising Events: Ideas for Success |
to Hold a Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner
Also see
for a Personal Cause: A Sick Family Member, Someone
in Dire Financial Crisis, Etc.
How you can advocate for an issue
important to you
Fund Raising For a Cause or
Finding Community
Service and Volunteering for Teens
How to Find Volunteering
Opportunities, a resource for adults who want to
Advice for Volunteer Groups /
Group Volunteering.
with Seniors.
Using Your Business Skills for
Good - Volunteering Your Business Management Skills,
to help people starting or running small businesses /
micro enterprises, to help people building businesses in
high-poverty areas, and to help people entering or
re-entering the work force.
Advice for family
volunteering - volunteering by families with children
and, related, advice for teaching
children compassion & understanding instead of pity
with regard to poverty.
Volunteering To Help
After Major Disasters.
How to Make a Difference
Internationally/Globally/in Another Country Without
Going Abroad
Details on how to quickly fill a community
service obligation from a court or school.
Ideas for Leadership
Volunteering Activities
These are more than just do-it-yourself volunteering -
these are ideas to create or lead a sustainable, lasting
benefit to a community, recruiting others to help and to
have a leadership role as a volunteer. These can also be
activities for the Girl Scouts Gold Award, the Duke of
Edinburgh's Award (U.K.), a mitzvah project, or even
scholarship consideration.
Ideas for Creating Your Own
Volunteering Activity.
Donating Things Instead of
Cash or Time (In-Kind Contributions)
Group Volunteering for Atheist
and Secular Volunteers
to complain about your volunteering experience.
Helping People Address Their
Problems with Plastic
How to mobilize a community to clean up plastic bottles,
plastic bags and other plastic waste from their
environment, and how to reduce their use of such items in
the future
Ideas for Funding Your
Volunteering Abroad Trip.
Details on volunteering
abroad (volunteering internationally).
Suggested books:
Special Events (J-B Fund Raising School Series)
When Money Is Tight: A Strategic and Practical Guide to
Surviving Tough Times and Thriving in the Future (The Mal
Warwick Fundraising Series)
Fun and Effective Fundraising Events for Nonprofit
Organizations
More Money: The Ask Event Handbook
Good Together: 101 Easy, Meaningful Service Projects for
Families, Schools, and Communities
Every Parent!: Encouraging Families to Sign On, Show Up, and
Make a Difference
Answer Book for Fund-Raisers Set, Set Contains:First and
Second Legal Answer Books for Fund-Raisers
Your Own Event Planning Business