Most traditional volunteering activities have been suspended or completely curtailed because of the current pandemic. Please see Volunteering in the time of the novel coronavirus/COVID-19: how to find opportunities and how to stay safe, and keep others safe, while volunteering.
Volunteering together, as a family or as a group with children, sounds great: having time together doing a positive activity and living the value of giving back to the community in some way. Family volunteering can be done by the whole family together or by one parent and one child or teenager as a special just-the-two-of-us project. Or it can be several siblings together. And group volunteering with children can be done through groups like the Girl Scouts, a school or a community of faith. But the reality is that volunteering opportunities for families and groups with young children are the hardest types of volunteering to find. Many nonprofits and other community groups:
Learning to Give is a nonprofit organization that provides lessons and resources for teachers of students in kindergarten through high school to help them understand the importance of philanthropy, including volunteerism, and civic engagement. Learning to Give "educates youth about philanthropy, the civil society sector, and the importance of giving their time, talent and treasure for the common good (knowledge), equips youth by encouraging philanthropic behavior and experience (skills), and, empowers youth to take voluntary citizen action for the common good in their classrooms, lives and communities (behavior)." Talk to your children about patience Volunteering isn't about volunteers being entertained and never bored. Volunteering isn't about the volunteer having a fun time and feeling good about themselves. The purpose of volunteering is to serve something or someone else. It's about the needs of the organization and those the organization serves. The priority is the mission of the organization, not the volunteer's wants - even children's. When volunteering, there are rules to follow. A child who is going to be otherwise disruptive as soon as he or she is hungry or thirsty needs to have more time to mature before participating in an out-of-the-house volunteering activity. Children must be of an age where they understand they have to wait until a more appropriate time for eating, drinking, playing on a phone, etc. if they want to volunteer outside the home. Remember: the ability to delay gratification is one of the key factors for future success. On a related note, please read this advice for teaching children compassion & understanding instead of pity with regard to poverty. Also see
Finding Community Service and Volunteering for Teens How to Find Volunteering Opportunities, a resource for adults who want to volunteer Home-Based (in your own home) Volunteering Where Your Service is NOT via a Computer or the Internet (at least not to actually DO the volunteering service, but you may need to report your work online). Creating or Holding a Successful Community Event or Fund Raising Event. Fund Raising For a Cause or Organization How you can advocate for an issue important to you Volunteering To Help After Major Disasters. Volunteering to Address Your Own Mental Health. There are many people that have high hopes that volunteering for a "good cause" can help them address their own mental health issues - depression, loneliness, even feelings of suicide. And, absolutely, social interactions and accomplishments that can come from volunteering can help improve a person's mental health. But volunteering activities can also can augment negative feelings. This resource is designed to help you have realistic expectations for volunteering and to avoid an experience that will make you feel worse instead of better. Volunteering with organizations that help animals and wildlife. Volunteering on Public Lands in the USA (national parks, national forests, state parks, wetlands, etc.) How to Make a Difference Internationally/Globally/in Another Country Without Going Abroad Using Your Business Skills for Good - Volunteering Your Business Management Skills, to help people starting or running small businesses / micro enterprises, to help people building businesses in high-poverty areas, and to help people entering or re-entering the work force. Details on how to quickly fill a community service obligation from a court or school. Ideas for Leadership
Volunteering Activities Ideas for Creating Your Own Volunteering Activity. How to complain about your volunteering experience. Donating Things Instead of Cash or Time (In-Kind Contributions) Group Volunteering for Atheist and Secular Volunteers Helping People Address
Their Problems with Plastic Ideas for Funding Your Volunteering Abroad Trip. Careers Working With Animals (for the benefit of animals)
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