What's Interesting To Me These Days.
There has never been enough hours in the day for me
to follow every trend, cause and issue in which I'm interested
professionally (as well as personally). Plus, I've never had the
funding to do most of what I want to do professionally, as a
researcher and trainer. Instead, I have to do what I'm paid to do,
because I'm an independent consultant, and
that means I usually don't have a steady income. That means very
often having to drop something I'm doing on my own when a paid gig
comes along.
Still, I try to keep up with certain topics. But the list is
getting shorter and shorter each year.
Below is a list of my current professional priorities -- issues
and trends that I'm actively researching, reading and writing
about. With more time and funding, I would love to engage in any
of these areas even more fully.
I'm sharing this because it might lead to collaboration, it
might lead to paid work, and it clarifies why I do what I do.
This list changes about once a year. And to keep up to date
with what's interesting to me, you can follow me on social

What's Interesting To Me These Days:
- Community radio as a way to reconnect people with
essential information and each other. Most locally-based
newspapers are gone and very few have arisen to replace them.
Same for locally based radio. As a trained journalist who got
her start in print journalism, I care deeply about the demise
of locally-based newspapers. But I'm not sure they will ever
be viable or desired again. Local radio, on the other hand,
seems like it deserves a resurgence. People's love of podcasts
doesn't seem to be waining (despite my predictions otherwise -
wrong again!). So community-based radio seems like a perfect
candidate for renewed popularity. And the world has never
needed more than now tools to bring local communities
together. Imagine local radio stations that do what they used
to do: recap the headlines, read the local obituaries,
broadcast live from local sports events, have a noon-time
public affairs show with interviews featuring the mayor or the
sheriff or the director of an upcoming school play,
announcements of local events, live broadcasts from
communities of faith, and more. A great example of this is WSON in
Henderson, Kentucky.
- Volunteering as a way to reconnect people with essential
information and each other. Did I mention that the world
has never needed more than now tools to bring local
communities together? And a great way to bring people together
is through volunteering together. There are so many causes
that cut across political divides, such as helping people who
are homeless after a disaster, helping people build the first
home they will ever own (Habitat for Humanity), promoting
spaying and neutering to cut down on animals in shelters, and
preserving wild habitat (both for campers and hikers and for
hunting and fishing). But engaging volunteers is not
cost-free, and creating volunteering activities for groups is
probably THE most time-consuming job around volunteer
engagement. I'm so ready to help organizations and communities
think about ways to bring different people together as
volunteers, but I also want to push corporations, foundations,
governments and others to fund the training and staffing
necessary to make it happen!
- Ways that religious and
cultural barriers prevent:
- the education of girls and women
- women from
engaging in business, from farming to selling things on
the street to owning a shop
- women from
engaging in government or leadership roles
- the use of condoms for disease prevention and pregnancy
and how various organizations and advocates have worked to
overcome such.
- Capacity-Building for
nonprofits/civil society in the developing world
So many civil society organizations are doing fantastic work,
but lack the skills on how to document that work and promote
it to potential supporters, as well as how to evaluate their
work, record successes and identify obstacles -- all of which
lead to their being able to do more fantastic work. I'm
interested in efforts to help mission-based organizations
(nonprofits, non-governmental organizations/NGOs, and public
agencies) serving in the developing world to be well-run,
transparent, results-oriented and attractive to potential
supporters, as well as to build their capacities to publicize
their efforts and to cultivate support. This includes capacity-building
in volunteer management practices in the developing world.
- Promoting virtual
volunteering / online volunteering
I continue to research, speak, write
and train regarding this subject frequently, and the resources I've developed
regarding online volunteering are linked from my web
- Court-ordered
community service
I have blogged about this regularly over the years, more than
any other consultant or practitioner regarding volunteer
engagement. I feel rather alone in talking about this, in fact
- there seems to be a reluctance by organizations that promote
volunteerism, by associations of managers of volunteers and by
managers themselves to talk about people who undertake
volunteer - UNPAID - service for nonprofits and charities. I
explore the volunteering opportunities available to people
sentenced to community service by the court, if virtual
volunteering can be an option for them (it can), and how to
best supervise and support people online in virtual
volunteering roles.
- Ethics
in volunteer engagement
The only volunteer management consultant I ever heard address
ethics in volunteer engagement in years' past was Mary
Merrill. When we lost Mary, we lost a hugely important voice
to discuss this topic. I've tried to start instigating
discussions about ethics in volunteer engagement on my blog
and on various online communities in which I participate. In
addition, there are certain kinds of activities branded as
“volunteering” that I find unethical and that I regularly
research, blog about and talk about on social media:
- Voluntourism, where unskilled Westerners go
abroad to “volunteer” – usually for a fee – and do work
that either isn’t something local people see as a priority
or is something local people would like to be paid for,
and there is no screening for the volunteers: whoever can
pay the fee gets to go.
- Paying to volunteer in any capacity in a program that
seems to be more about giving an individual money than
about actually serving a community or cause.
- Companies that charge a fee for a letter that says a
person engaged in volunteering that the person uses to
fulfill court-ordered volunteering.
- Advocating that talk about digital inclusion and
addressing the digital divide include addressing the needs
of people with disabilities. It's something I've been
passionate about since the 1990s, in fact, since the first
year I got on the web in 1994 or so. Nonprofits need to be
taking the lead in this - all nonprofits, not just those
focused on people with disabilities, but arts organizations,
animal shelters, environmental groups and more.
- Educating USA Citizens About International Affairs
Americans do not receive much information about the world
abroad. The major TV channels provide little information about
other people and cultures, and their incomplete information
about the United Nations has lead to gross misunderstandings
about the important, vital work of the UN and how the
organization is administered. Local chapters of the UN Association, as well as
other organizations, need larger, younger membership and much
higher profiles, in order to counter this lack of information.
- Developing
Sustainable Tourism & Alternative Tourism
As a long-time, avid traveler for
both fun and for business, I've seen first hand the
impact that tourism can have on a variety of countries and
communities, and benefited from what traveling has given me. I
love the good that
tourism can do for small local businesses and for the
traveler as well. I'm very interested in initiatives that help
build the capacities of communities, particularly those in
transitional countries, to develop a sustainable travel
industry that benefits local people and appeals to a variety
of travelers - ecotourists, adventure travelers,
budget travelers, business travelers, and women travelers from
any of those groups, not just luxury travelers or
package tours (though those are important as well). I created
a page of Advice for
Hotels, Hostels & Campgrounds in Transitional &
Developing Countries: The Qualities of Great, Cheap
Accommodations based on my own experiences in more than
30 countries, but I would so love to do more to help
communities create sustainable tourism, helping them to:
create a variety of accommodations for a variety of travelers,
offer quality local restaurants for a variety of budgets,
offer safety for all travelers, particularly women, ensure
that visitors can get around via bicycle or by walking, offer
transportation to and from larger cities, and on and on. Read more about developing
sustainable tourism and alternative tourism.
- Factors for Success in using theater as a tool for
This was the subject of my
Master's Degree project.
- Some more personal, more specific project ideas I have
toyed with that I would love to lead, co-organize, or just
help someone else with. I would love to find others
interested in these. I would love to discover there's already
a nonprofit addressing any one of these.
Often, I link to particularly interesting
resources I find about the above topics, or to resources I
create, via My Blog.
Quick Links
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created & managed by a human.
My book: The
Last Virtual
Volunteering Guidebook
contact me
or see my
Free Resources: Community Outreach, With & Without Tech
Free Resources: On
Community Engagement, Volunteering & Volunteerism
Free Resources: Technology
Tips for Non-Techies
Free Resources:
Nonprofit, NGO & other mission-based management resources
Free Resources: Web
Development, Maintenance, Marketing for non-Web designers
Free Resources: Corporate
philanthropy / social responsibility programs
Free Resources: For people
& groups that want to volunteer
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by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
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