Accolades to Jayne Cravens and
Coyote Communications
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In November 2010, Jayne received a VERA (Volunteer Excellence Recognition Award) from Business Council for Peace (BPEACE), a USA-based nonprofit that recruits business professionals to help entrepreneurs in countries emerging from war, like Rwanda and Afghanistan, to create and expand businesses and employment (particularly for women). "We annually search amongst our hard working member/volunteers to identify those, among so many, who deserve a particular call-out and recognition..." She won the "Purple Heart VERA", for helping to support a gentleman in Afghanistan who wants to start a cleaning business. Jayne "bravely delivered detailed technical advice... and urged him to stretch to meet his goals of starting a commercial cleaning business." Unfortunately, he ultimately dropped out of the program. "And that has to hurt." Yeah, it did a little, but Jayne then turned her energies to helping the other BPEACE advocates with their entrepreneurs and doing some other volunteering with BPEACE -- all of it online.
In March 2003, Jayne, still officially a resident of Austin, Texas, was a co-winner of the Dewey Winburne Community Service Award, presented at a special ceremony in Austin, Texas, at the conclusion of the Texas Interactive Media (TIM) Awards Ceremony. Dewey Winburne served as one of the original co-founders of what is now known as the SXSW Interactive Festival (one of Jayne's favorite events), and the teaching of multimedia skills to teenagers, particularly teens of low-income and minority descent, was also a great passion in Dewey's life. The Award named in his honor "celebrates the vision that technology is society's most effective tool to level the playing field between the haves and the have nots." Jayne is beside herself at this recognition -- it is something all the more special because it came from the city she still considers her home.
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Jayne was named one of the Top 25 Women of the Web in 2001 by the San Francisco Women of the Web. She's still wondering when someone will send the "just kidding" e-mail. |
Many people use my resources on this Web site in their own onsite trainings, in their newsletters, etc. And many visitors who use my information let me know what they think of this information via e-mail. I appreciate their feedback very much! Below is just a sampling of e-mails I receive each month; thanks to everyone who has written with comments:
Feel that I should write to thank you for producing an outstandingly lucid website which has proved very useful to my Advanced level students at this Secondary School. They are taking advanced level courses in Business Studies and are all impressed with the clarity and usefulness of your site. On my part, I am grateful since they all are able to develop simple relational databases without me spending many weeks in introducing the topic.
what a fantastic source of information about nonprofit software and I.T.! i am preparing for an interview with a nonprofit agency here in town and this information makes for excellent ammunition. if i get the job i'll have you to thank for it!
I am a volunteer working on a technology plan for my church. I have spent some time examining you site and I find it invaluable ! Excellent job. I am a retired scientist and currently work as a system analyst and technical trainer for a small software firm here in New Jersey. I have not absorbed all of the wealth of information at your site, however, my church group has resolved to share whatever information we find useful as well as our experiences so you will be hearing from me as a contributor in the future (we're just getting started). Thanks for all your hard work.
Last year, I bought my third Mac. After having had a MacPlus during my University years (which I gave to a non-profit organization to run a small documentation center database), and a Powerbook 170 as a starting off freelancer, I am now the happy owner of a G3 Powerbook with which I earn a good living. I held on to the 170 as long as I could, but it's the black and white screen that got me to change. My work invovles surfing the web, so, there went the 170.The old mac, (I never thought I would call it old), got a new life at .... my mother's place.
She is turning 73, had never touched a computer in her life, knew NOTHING about any of that, and since I have brought the old Powerbook into her home, she so totally crazy and excited about all this (word processing letters and recipes, doing budgets and income tax reports out of spreadsheets, e-mailing me when I'm out of town or in the U.S., etc.) that it kept her awake at night for almost 2 weeks! LOL
But this is not the subject of my e-mail. I just wanted to thank you for creating and maintaining "Resources for Older Computers". As her expectations will grow towards the old powerbook, I will be able to mine the site and find new applications for her. Web browsing text-only for instance since she is already asking to read the newspapers web editions, etc.
The problem with the old Powerbook is not so much RAM or speed (although it has only 8 megs and is slow), but the black and white screen (not even grayscale) that makes all websites look like blackholes! LOL But I think with text only, at least, she can surf around.
Thank you again for the website. I found the url along with other urls in MacHome March 1999 edition, in an article about running old macs in this day and age.
Thank you for providing a website that has so much useful information - the Internet has indeed been a godsend for me in my graduate studies so far!... I found your website to be incredibly helpful and have quoted you at various points throughout my paper.
Just a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate your presence on the Internet. I have been aware of your site for about the past two years and have found it comprehensive, informative, unabashedly candid and immeasurably useful. Coyote is awesome!
When I began constructing my first web site for a school, nearly 4 years ago, yours were the first PRACTICAL guidelines I found. Since then, I've created several, but I seem to go back to these and to one other source consistently. Thanks for the help!!!
Thank you very much for putting together a wonderful summary of how the Internet can be used to enhance nonprofits. It is exactly what I have been looking for, as I am writing a paper (for a class) on the Internet and nonprofits. Your "Tip Sheet" will give me plenty of ideas and point me in the right directions for further research.P.S. Thank you also for putting together a great personal website . . . it was a much-needed and welcomed distraction from the usual tedium of research. Nice pictures :)
I just printed the tips from your site, and what a great resource this is. I already have found some very useful and helpful ideas, and I am just getting started. I will be getting back to you when I finish with them, or when I have some further comments. I hope you have time to continue your efforts, because you are the kind of person I want as an email contact! You represent what the Internet can and should be.
A good friend of mine sent me your URL because I am teaching a class in Management Information Systems and Social Work for budding MSWs at the University of Michigan. Although I know more than the average social worker about technology... well, I can use all the help I can get. Your information is wonderful. I will send my students to your web page. What a great resource you are for nonprofits! (And me!) I hope your generosity also results in prosperity for you.
I was searching the web for information about customer databases today and came across a link to your Coyotecom site. What a great site! You have captured, with simplicity yet completeness, numerous tips for using customer databases and technology in general. Being an addicted volunteer and a computer trainer/consultant, I can only begin to understand the amount of time you have put into this site.I would like to use some of your information and tip sheets in several workshops that I have coming up in the near future. I am hoping to gear these toward the non-profit sector (because these agencies, as you know, rarely have enough funding for good training). I will be sure to list your URL and acknowledge all your hard work in putting this information together.
Thanks for your dedication.
Your whole site is fantastic! It is one of the most helpful sites I've seen. Thank you, thank you, from an experienced nonprofit novice.
I accessed your web page and was amazed at the computer help and the links that you provide on your site. Thank you! As a social worker this is a wonderful resource. I was actually referred to this site by a professor of mine.
Jayne, I just visited your website for the first time. You've done a wonderful job of being a good Netizen by providing your tips. I also appreciate the straightforward good looks and simplicity of your page layouts. Even though I've used the 'net since before it was the "Internet" and have been a webmaster since '95, I still picked up some things I didn't know. Thanks.
Thanks for your wonderful service with the tip sheets. I rediscovered them as I was preparing material for a workshop I am leading this weekend "Tools for Prophets in an Information Age". The workshop is geared to people in ministry situations who are wondering how to use the net in the service of the ministry.
Just wanted to let you know I'm quoting you in a memo to the ED about planning for our website... I'm quoting you on putting up a basic website 1st and adding additional features once this one is working well. Your website has a lot of great information and links.
I'm feeding a budding obsession for older motherboards and cards, and having a difficult time of finding relevant information. Your site regarding older resources was a little jewel in a sea of cow dung. May I recommend the site to those whom I come into contact with? I speak occasionally to people who are as frustrated as I about sources of older information. Thanks in advance.
I will use and use and use again all the terrific information gathered at your Coyote Communications website. And send the URL to all my friends :) THANK YOU for putting it all together.
This was some very good advice you offered on CYBERVPM. I just checked out your 'tips' area on the Coyote site - terrific! I'm very glad you're out there. Hucksters abound, and sometimes it feels like we're a lone voice in the wilderness. It's always good to find kindred spirits.
Just wanted to let you know that we intend to use your helpful info regarding donor databases for our organization.
Thanks for the information. It turns out that we have Lotus Approach on our computers. I just never thought of it for a fund raising data base, but of course, it would be excellent.
I just stumbled across your tip sheets on the web. They're terrific. I forwarded information about them to the director of our new training center in Washington, D.C.
You're great Jayne! You're the coolest cyberchick going! is informative, eye catching, and easily accessible. Thank you for such an great web site !
I am impressed by the work you are doing. I work with NonProfits as a computer specialist, and I am showing a number of your articles today to the Executive Director and her admin. team. They are filled with lots of good avice, esp. for the ED, who is pretty new to PC's and networks. Many thanks for your efforts.
I am working... in getting computers for 2 schools in Granada and 1 in Puerto Rico thru the Father Sheehan Memorial Fund. We just rec'd a donation of 42 compaqs from a Boston Law Firm - but with NO software - your article has pointed me in the right direction for step 2. After that, I just have to figure out how to get the boxes down to the islands.... hmmmm. Oh well. One step at a time - and you've helped!
You have a great site! Our non-profit literacy group in Houston is in the process of planning our web site. I have been charged with creating it. Thanks for the great info/links!
Very many thanks for your comments Jayne and also for your Web site which I find very useful and informative indeed. I have a few hours of reading to do!
This is a GREAT list of tips!
I really appreciate your internet infomation regarding nonprofits. I have spent many hours on research with little success and this has saved me hours and finances.
Thanks for an excellent web site for non-profits. We've learned from you.
A good resource for our non-profits. I thought it was very well put together and great information.
I LIKE this site and will be back frequently and let my clients know about you.
Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing information and help. I will pass this information on to my colleague, who is in charge of this project. The handout is perfect for her; she is not terribly computer literate but will respond well to the clear advice that you offer.
I'm surprised at how much you could do with the small computer.
Nice web page! I love your coyote. I really like that you told about the equipment, etc., you used to get your web page up. More people need to hear how easy it is!
Lots of useful info. Thanks. I work part-time for non-profit agency. This will come in handy!
Thanks for the sound advice. I think that this is the first piece of sound advice I've gotten so far.
special kudos to you since i'm gonna use a few of your marketing techniques myself.
Thank you for the great resource!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You have the nicest style! It's just plain fun to see.
My work is cited in at least five books: Beyond Police Checks: The Definitive Volunteer & Employee Screening Guidebook by Linda Graff, What We Learned (the hard way) About Supervising Volunteers, published by Energize, Inc., Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone, published by Pearson Education, Inc.; The Career Break Book, published by Lonely Planet; and The Rough Guide To A Better World, published by the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Rough Guides. Before joining UNV/UNDP, my work was cited in the UNDP Gender in Development Programme's Learning & Information Pack: Information, Communication & Knowledge-Sharing, published in 2000 (one of the first UNDP documents addressing this topic). My work has also been featured in articles and resources by The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Aspen Publishers, among others.
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