November 1, 2012
The Basics of People Databases
Note: the content on this page is no
longer updated.
This information is designed especially for small mission-based
organizations (nonprofits, non-governmental organizations or NGOs,
civil society organizations, public sector agencies, etc.) with
very limited staffing and funds.
The following terms are used repeatedly in this overview.
However, different database software probably use different terms.
- database
an organized collection of data (.dbf)
- view
a "window" to a database or databases (.apr)
- form or screen
a way of looking at information in a view
- file
an organization of views for a database(s)
- join
databases can be "joined" into one view file, so that
information from more than one database for one record can be
viewed at one time
- report
a view that shows data from multiple records on a single "page"
- record
central entry into a database (usually a person); for instance,
a record is all of the information about ONE person: a name,
address, phone number, meeting attendance, publications ordered,
committee membership, etc. A record can also be about an
individual project (date project started, location of project,
progress of project, etc.)
- fields
information categories for individual records
- finding
isolating and displaying a set of records based on data in one
of more fields
- sorting
reorganizing a set of records in the order you prescribe
- read-only
a file that can only be read; in a read-only database, changes
cannot be made to the records, but view changes may be allowed
A flat database means all of the information about a record
is kept in a single database.
A flat database is very easy to manage, because it has
all of its information stored in one source. You can have
relational data on a flat database, meaning that some or all of
the data from a flat database can be used in a relational
database. For instance, a relational database may pull information
from the flat database, combining it with data from another
database, so that you can see how many board members have email
addresses, or how many donors are also volunteers. A flat database
should allow you to create a variety of different ways to look at
the data (input screens, reports, mailing lists, etc.).
The limitation of a flat database is usually not in the number
of records you can put on (for instance, how many volunteers you
can track), but in how much information you can track per record.
Limits of a flat database are usually realized the more
information you need to track about each individual person (a
record), rather than the number of people (records) you need to
track. As time passes, different people at one organization need
to track more and more information about each record, or view it
in very different ways. For instance, one staff member may want to
track meeting attendance and program involvement in detail, while
another may need detailed information about each record's donation
You can create a different flat database for each staff person's
need, but this will eventually make it very difficult to find out
all information about one person quickly; imagine having to look
on one database for board information, another for event
attendance information, another for publications they've received,
another for their volunteer involvement, and you get the idea.
There are two ways to avoid this project entirely: by requiring
everyone to input their information into one database, or,
requiring everyone to use the same software to create their
databases, and then making these databases relational, so
that you can pull from multiple databases to view information for
a single record. With a relational database, users do not see the
separate databases that have been related together when viewing a
record's information; instead, users see different pieces of
information about a single record (person), without being able to
see which databases each piece of information is being pulled
from. Only an advanced user will be able to tell that, when she is
looking at one record, she is also looking at more than one
Upgrading from a flat database to a relational database allows
for a great deal of growth for information-tracking. A good
relational database allows for endless sorting and viewing
options; virtually any combination of information in any form can
be generated from a good relational database.
When databases are relational or joined, adding a
new record to the main database will add the same record to ALL of
the joined databases. Or, changing the spelling of someone's name
will change the information to ALL of the joined databases.
To join a database, there must be a field that has something
unique about each and every record in a database. It's best to
create a field specifically for the joining process; this field
should hold a unique identification number. When a new record is
added, it should automatically assign a unique number in the MAIN
database; this number is then copied automatically to every other
joined database. It's also a good idea to create a function that
makes the first name, last name and company affiliation also copy
to each database, and changed automatically and simultaneously. If
a record is deleted, it is also deleted from all other databases.
Also have a look at the online support pages for whatever
software you are using. There may have their own tutorials about
database basics as well.
When shopping for database software, make sure that it at least
meets this basic criteria:
- The person or people who will use it the most can feel
ownership of the software; it's easy to use and easy to learn.
- It can work on the computers and operating systems you
already have in-house (no need for upgrades).
- It can import and export data to and from the most-used
software packages for both IBM/Clones and Macintosh computers
(FileMaker Pro, OpenOffice
Base (part of the entire free OpenOffice suite), NeoOffice database (part
of the entire free NeoOffice suite), LibreOffice, Lotus
Approach, various Microsoft products, etc.). That means that it
can export data as comma-delimited, tab-separated, dbf, dif,
sylk, csv or a spreadsheet. Why? The data in your database is
used by more than just your volunteer manager or your
fundraising manager -- it's going to be used by the bulk mail
house, an outside consultant, the marketing manager, maybe even
traded with another organization, and they all aren't going to
have the same software as you.
- It comes with a tutorial of some kind
- It has lots of screen captures or sample database templates,
so you know exactly what it does or can look like
- It allows the user (preferably the person who will use the
database the most, not just your IT person) to change existing
view screens, and even create new ones (users should be able to
change what information they see on screens as appropriate).
- It allows the user (preferably the person who will use the
database the most, not just your IT person) to change, add or
delete fields of information. Your organization may have a
particular information interest in a particular group, and no
specialized software can anticipate every organization's every
- It can be networked (people can access the information from
more than one computer, either via a LAN or the Internet/the
- It allows the main user to set up security measures (read
only access for other users, for instance; see Customer Database Principles for more
- Has relational capabilities, (e.g., adding a new record to
the donor database will add the same record to the
ticket-selling database, and vice-versa)
- Users can generate personalized mailing labels, letters, name
tags and other customized reports.
- Users can set up automated functions on the database
(sometimes known as macros), such as automated numbering fields
and automated calculation fields.
Before you invest in a software package:
Finally: no organization measures its success by the number of
people who are in its database(s). The value of a database also
doesn't come from a computer program. The value of a database
comes from the quality of the information that is tracked. The
most important component in a good database system is people who
understand the importance of gathering quality information and of
thinking proactively, and who are dedicated to (and fully supported
and empowered in) keeping the information up-to-date.
Develop your systems of tracking "people" information based on
how your staff wants to use information about clients, volunteers,
donors and potential audiences. The first step in deciding WHAT
information you need to track is to find out what each staff
member wants to be able to do with the database. Fund-raising
staff may want a list of volunteers each quarter who have also
made financial contributions; the executive director may want to
occasionally see what city and county officials have attended your
organization's events; the marketing staff may want to know to
know weekly who or what referred people who call your
organization. If you don't know what staff members need out of
your information-tracking systems, ASK.
Deciding what information needs to be tracked will help you
decide what fields to create to track information about people in
your database(s).
These tip sheets may also help you:
- Customer Database Principles
- Customer Database Regular Maintenance
- Importing Information Into a
- Free Help With Databases &
- Keeping Volunteer
Information Up-to-Date
- Choosing Specialized Software
(label-making software, volunteer management software, project
management software, fund raising software, etc.)
- List and comparison of volunteer
management software
- Global
survey on volunteer management software
In March and April 2012, myself and Rob Jackson drafted and
circulated a survey regarding software used to manage volunteer
information. The purpose of the survey was to gather some basic
data that might help organizations that involve volunteers to
make better-informed decisions when choosing software, and to
help software designers to understand the needs of those
organizations. We also wanted to get a sense of what
organizations were thinking about volunteer management software.
The results of the survey include an executive summary of our
findings, as well as the complete responses to questions and our
analysis of such. Rob and I did not have time to analyze all of
the comments made in answer to some questions; for all
questions, we listed the comments made, but we did not always
offer any observations about such, or group the responses into
categories. We welcome the efforts of other researchers to offer
their own analysis of the data provided.
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