by Jayne Cravens
More resources at & (same web site)
Experience & explorations in
studying & working in development
-- human, community, institutional & environmental
(with information about aid, relief and humanitarian efforts
as well)
This section of my web site is to provide resources for
colleagues working in humanitarian / aid / development
efforts, as well as to anyone studying such. In other
words, development: human development, community
development, institutional development, environmental
development, country development, etc. (in contrast to its
meaning in the USA, where the word development is
related to fund raising or software or real estate). When I say
development here on my web site, I mean development in
terms to capacity-building as a part of humanitarian or aid
efforts, as well as economic development of areas experiencing
high-unemployment, poverty, even conflict.
(Originally, this part of my web site was a blog about my experience with Open University in
pursuit of my MSc in Development Management, and a way to
link to OU resources I might need to access when I wasn't at my
own computer. But over time, I expanded it to cover all
of my work and continuing
studies regarding development)
My resources for colleagues working in humanitarian / aid /
development efforts, as well as to anyone studying such:
- How folklore, rumors, urban
myths and organized misinformation campaigns interfere
with development and aid/relief efforts, and government
initiatives, and how to prevent and address such.
This was almost my Master's Degree thesis in 2005. I decided
the data I had gathered initially was too helpful not to
publish, despite not using it for my degree, so I put it up on
my web site. For almost 20 years, I continued to research this
topic and update this resource. With fake news sites set up
specifically to mislead people, as well as crowdsourced
efforts by professional online provocateurs and automated
troll bots pumping out thousands of comments, countering
misinformation efforts has to be a priority for aid and
development organizations, as well as government agencies. I
no longer update these pages, but I hope they remain helpful.
- Recommendations for
UN & UNDP in Ukraine
to use Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and Other Social Media to
Promote Reconciliation, Social Inclusion, & Peace-Building
in Ukraine (PDF). This is a draft document I submitted to UNDP
Ukraine just before I left Kyiv in October 2014, having
completed my term there as a "Surge" Communications Advisor.
This draft document offers considerations and recommendations
for social media messaging that promotes reconciliation,
social inclusion, and peace-building in Ukraine.
It provides ideas for messaging related to promoting
tolerance, respect and reconciliation in the country, and
messaging to counter bigotry, prejudice, inequality,
misperception and misconceptions about a particular group of
people or different people among Ukrainians as a whole. I know
that social media tools have changed a lot since then, but I
still think this resource has a lot of valid advice.
- Highlights and resources from the research for my final paper for my Master's
Degree, regarding the non-artistic elements necessary for
success in "Theater as a Tool for
Development" initiatives.
- Tips
for staying in contact with remote staff in developing
countries / conflict zones
Many factors stand in the way of trying to stay in contact
with field staff at projects in rural or conflicted areas in
developing countries. In this resource, I reviewed various
challenges faced by people in a main office in getting data
from field staff working in humanitarian / development / aid
initiatives, and how to address those challenges.
- Women's Access to
Public Internet Access, a resource I developed
through research & experience to support the development
of women-only Internet centers/technology centers/etc., or
women-only hours at such public Internet access points, in
developing and transitional countries.
- Empowering Women Everywhere -
Essential to Development Success, a list of research and
articles (none written by me) that confirm that empowering
women is essential to development success and highlight
the very particular challenges to women's access to education,
health care, safety and economic prosperity. Additional
submissions welcomed.
- Virtue
& reputation in the developing world - In some
countries, a woman’s reputation regarding her virtue is every
bit as important as food and health care, in terms of
prosperity, let alone survival. This blog offers details that
should serve as a caution to humanitarian and development
workers wanting NGOs and government agencies to engage more on
social media; you need to provide guidance for the women who
would be expected to manage online activities on how to stay
safe and protect their personal reputations.
- How to
take photos in a culturally-sensitive manner, particularly
with regard to respect for local customs regarding women,
and to meet various needs, e.g. to show female
participation. This resource was developed in
2007, for Afghan staff working out of an Afghanistan government agency,
and is adaptable for various cultural settings.
- A presentation
for Afghan women on public speaking. This resource
was developed in 2007, for Afghan female staff working out of
an Afghanistan government
agency, and is adaptable for various cultural settings.
- Aid
workers need to help local staff avoid scams. If
you are working in aid, development or humanitarian affairs on
site in a developing country, I hope you will consider doing a
lunchtime workshop for your locally-recruited colleagues about
online scams. Just 30 – 45 minutes would be so helpful. Talk
about visa scams, inheritance scams and phishing. Even if
locally-recruited staff are particularly savvy about knowing
when something is a fraud, their family and friends may not
be, and you would be helping them to help their family and
friends avoid being taken advantage of.
- A comprehensive
list of questions to answer in preparation for reporting
to donors, the media & general public. I
developed this with a colleague in Afghanistan, to help the local
staff at the government ministry where we worked know what
information donors and UN agencies regularly asked for, and
what we anticipated they might start asking for; what subjects
the media regularly asked about or reported on, and what we
anticipated they might start asking about or reporting on; and
what information could be used for evaluation purposes later.
It was part of our many efforts to build
public sector staff communications capacities in
countries where I've served.
- Basic Fund-Raising
for Small NGOs in the Developing World, a guide I
developed a decade ago and regularly update until October
2015. Requesting NGOs have been based primarily in Africa,
Asia and parts of Eastern Europe.
- Starting
a Nonprofit or Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The
laws and procedures for starting a nonprofit organization, an
NGO, a charity or a foundation vary from country to country.
The laws and procedures are never exactly the same. This page
offers the general advice that is applicable to any country,
but you will still have to go through country-specific
requirements, which are NOT detailed on this page but there is
advice on where to find them).
- What’s the difference in for-profits &
The first step in forming a nonprofit isn't creating a logo.
Or thinking about what accounting software you are going to
use. Answering the questions I propose in this blog will
create the business plan you MUST have to launch and succeed.
It will also help gather the information needed by a new
program for partnerships, community support and funding
- Vetting
Organizations in Other Countries: A resource that
can help you evaluate volunteer-placement organizations that
charge you for your placement as a volunteer, as well as for
people interested in partnering or supporting an organization
abroad but wanting to know it's a credible organization, that
it's not some sort of scam, or an 'organization' of just one
- Hosting
International Volunteers: More and more local
organizations in developing countries are turning to local
expertise, rather than international volunteers, to support
their efforts. However, the need for international volunteers
remains, and will for many, many years to come. This resource
provides tips for local organization in a developing countries
interested in gaining to international volunteers.
- United Nations Tech4Good /
ICT4D Initiatives, a list of the various United
Nations initiatives that have been launched since 2000 to
promote the use of computers, feature phones, smart phones and
various networked devices in development and humanitarian
activities, to promote digital literacy and equitable access
to the "information society," and to bridge the digital
divide. My goal in creating this page is to help researchers,
as well as to remind current UN initiatives that much work
regarding ICT4D has been done by various UN employees,
consultants and volunteers for more than 15 years (and perhaps
- The positive effects of sustainable
development and alternative tourism and ways to
cultivate efforts that support tourism as a part of
sustainable development efforts. This is something that has
been of interest to me for several years, and something I
continually research on my own.
- Motorcycles and
development/aid/relief & volunteer efforts.
I'm a motorcycle rider. I'm a development worker. It's not
something you can combine in the PeaceCorps, but it is
something many people helping others in developing countries do
combine, and this resource reviews how it's done.
- PDX-area
Organizations Involved in Overseas Development / Aid /
Relief & Volunteer Efforts Or Educating People Re: Other
Countries/Global Affairs. Some are nonprofits, some are
university programs, and some are for-profit companies /
businesses. Some are focused exclusively on aid and
development, some are focused only partially on such.
- Civil Society Capacity
Building: Why?
My favorite kind of professional work is building the
capacities of civil society organizations, especially in
transitional and developing countries, to communicate, to
change minds and to engage a variety of people and
communities, through communications, dialogue and
volunteering. But the term civil society isn't used in
USA as commonly as it is elsewhere, and many don’t understand
exactly what I mean when I talk about my favorite type of
work. This resource explores exactly what is meant by the
phrase civil society capacity building.
- Efforts to Educate the
Public About Humanitarian Development & the work of
Nonprofits, NGOs, Charities, etc.
The audience for my web pages and blogs are, primarily, staff
at mission-based organizations: nonprofits, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), charities, government agencies, schools
and other public sector organizations, as well as their
partners - corporations, universities, etc. I also sometimes
write material for volunteers themselves - or people who want
to be such. Sometimes, however, I write material to try to
educate the public about humanitarian and development work and
about the work, culture, ethics and limitations of nonprofits,
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities and other
mission-based organizations. Here are some of those blogs
focused on the general public.
- How to get a job in
international work, including with the United
- Jayne, how did you get to
work for the UN?!" An answer to a frequently asked
Also see
I am always interested in networking with other professionals
and students engaged or formerly engaged in development studies,
with OU or other universities, or working in humanitarian, aid,
relief and development in areas similar to my own experience and
interest. If you are working or studying in initiatives that
relate to the subjects of the resources I've listed above, I would love to hear from you,
or interact with me via any
social networking platform I'm on. If you are a woman who
will be working in Afghanistan
or any other post or current conflict area or area that is
particularly religiously-conservative, feel free to write me for advice.
If you want to work or volunteer abroad, see this detailed advice and
Countries I've visited or lived in:
Afghanistan, Albania, Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cuba,
Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain (England
and Scotland), Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy,
Jordan, Luxembourg, Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia), Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (Catalunya and
Castilla), Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Ukraine,
United Arab Emirates, Vatican City.
Quick Links
my home page
my consulting services
& my workshops &
my credentials & expertise
Affirmation that this web site is
created & managed by a human.
My book: The Last Virtual Volunteering
contact me or see my schedule
Free Resources: Community Outreach, With & Without
Free Resources: Technology Tips for Non-Techies
Free Resources: Nonprofit, NGO & other
mission-based management resources
Free Resources: Web Development, Maintenance,
Marketing for non-Web designers
Free Resources: Corporate philanthropy / social
responsibility programs
Free Resources: For people & groups that want
to volunteer
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The Coyote Helps Foundation
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To know when I have developed a new
resource related to the above subjects, found a great
resource by someone else, published
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or to when & where I'm training or presenting, use any
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This material is provided as is, with no expressed or implied
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Otherwise, please contact me
for permission to reprint, present or distribute these materials
(for instance, in a class or book or online event for which you
intend to charge).
The art work and material on
this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2024
by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art comes from a link to
another web site).