A free resource for nonprofit
organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations,
charities, schools, public sector agencies & other
mission-based agencies
by Jayne Cravens
via coyotecommunications.com
& coyoteboard.com
(same web site)
My Resources Regarding Research &
History of Volunteering
The best part about reading the history of volunteering is that
you find out other people have solved the problems you are now
facing regarding volunteer engagemet - and have some great
Certainly anyone who wants to develop an app regarding
volunteer management or recruitment should read through some of
the research first - and not be surprised when they find their
great idea isn't such a great idea.
Research & History Regarding
- Studies and Research
Regarding Virtual Volunteering
A compilation of research regarding virtual volunteering - the
most comprehensive list you will find anywhere - and a list of
suggested possible angles for researching online volunteering.
New contributions to this page are welcomed - research can be
about any aspect of engaging unpaid people online, even if it
never mentions the term virtual
volunteering, such as volunteers that contribute to
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
- Virtual Volunteering Wiki
A compilation of resources regarding virtual volunteering,
including a list of RSS feeds, a frequently updated list of
news articles and blogs, and a history of virtual
- Virtual
Volunteering in Europe 2013
For much of
this year, I researched and wrote about Internet-mediated
volunteering (virtual volunteering, online volunteering,
microvolunteering, online mentoring, etc.) in European Union
(EU) countries. I've provide some analysis from that project
that either aren't in the paper I've submitted, but I think
they should be out in public for discussion, or, that are
in the paper, but I wanted to highlight them in particular for
- Initiatives opposed to
some or all volunteering (unpaid work), and
online and print articles about or addressing
controversies regarding volunteers replacing paid staff
This is a list of organizations and initiatives opposed to
some kinds of volunteering (unpaid work), or ALL kinds of
volunteering, including unpaid internships at nonprofit
organizations / charities. They are anti-volunteer engagement:
they disapprove of any position being volunteer (unpaid) and
dispute any benefits except that it "saves money". It is also
a list of online and print articles about or addressing
controversies regarding volunteers replacing paid staff. Most
of the links are to initiatives or actions in Europe or the
USA. This list has been compiled to help researchers regarding
volunteerism, as well as for policy makers and volunteerism
advocates who want to avoid these kinds of controversies at
nonprofit organizations and government agencies. This list is
also compiled to refute those who believe that there are no
such controversies (believe it or not, those people DO exist).
Note that many of these initiatives are fueled by talk of the
value of volunteers in terms of a monetary value per service
hour, or talk of how volunteers "save money."
- Tech Volunteer Groups /
ICT4D Volunteers
A list of tech volunteering initiatives, some defunct, some
still going strong, that recruit tech experts to volunteer
their time support either local nonprofit organizations or
NGOs in developing countries regarding computer hardware,
software and Internet tech-related tasks.
- What Was NetAid?
First there was Band Aid, then Live Aid, and Farm Aid, and
then came NetAid, an initiative that was also launched with
celebrity-laden concerts and a great deal of media coverage.
The NetAid initiative was meant to harness the Internet to
raise money and awareness for the Jubilee 2000 campaign, to
raise awareness for the challenges in developing countries,
and to allow people to volunteer online, donating their skills
to help people in the developing world. NetAid's goal was to
make global philanthropy more efficient. This page reviews who
was involved, how the initiative evolved, and its legacy
regarding virtual volunteering.
- Al Gore Campaign Pioneered Virtual
Back in 2000, when Al Gore ran for president, his campaign
championed virtual volunteering by recruiting online
volunteers to help online with his election efforts. I've
tried to present some of what his campaign did - this
pioneering effort deserves to be remembered, as do some of the
lessons from such.
- Impact Online: A
Impact Online was a nonprofit organization founded in the mid
1990s. It was one of the first web sites, and maybe the first
web site, where nonprofits could post their volunteering
opportunities and people that wanted to help could sign up to
help. It later became VolunteerMatch. I'm sharing them
here because the original Impact Online initiative deserves to
be remembered and honored.
You can see my
academic / research work, including that which is
related to volunteerism, at my profile
on academia.edu. Most of the academic articles
that have cited my work regarding virtual volunteering are
listed at my
Google Scholar account.
to this web site's index of volunteer
engagement-related resources
Also have a look at:
The Last Virtual
Volunteering Guidebook:
Fully Integrating Online Service Into Volunteer Involvement.
A comprehensive guide to using online tools for
supporting & engaging ALL volunteers, & for creating
online roles & online tasks for volunteers.
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Virtual Volunteering At Any
Here's how to order
(includes table of contents and reviews).
web page, or comment on it, here.
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created & managed by a human.
My book: The Last Virtual Volunteering
contact me or see my schedule
Free Resources: Community Outreach, With & Without
Free Resources: Technology Tips for Non-Techies
Free Resources: Nonprofit, NGO & other
mission-based management resources
Free Resources: Web Development, Maintenance,
Marketing for non-Web designers
Free Resources: Corporate philanthropy / social
responsibility programs
Free Resources: For people & groups that want
to volunteer
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resource by someone else, published
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or to when & where I'm training or presenting, use any
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The art work and material on
this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2025
by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art comes from a link to
another web site).