Still loving my lime iBook!
(but can't get it on the Internet anymore)
(scroll down to see the list of software and versions I
As of 2008, it was retired as my primary computer... but I still LOVE my
"old" lime iBook (clamshell), which I named "Elvis."
When I got it in December 2000, I was as excited about the performance of
this computer as I was with the very first Mac I owned, back in 1990 (a
Mac Classic II, still the best computer I've ever had). I wonder if I'll
ever feel that way again about a Mac... For more than seven years, it was
my primary computer: reliable and powerful, and it has never stopped
having SASS, even today. I don't know how to say in techno-jargon why this
computer is so great. I just know that it is. I took it to Germany, I took
it to Spain, I took it to Afghanistan... it never let me down. My lime
green clamshell iBook came loaded with just about everything I needed for
work and for fun, certainly more than Macs come loaded with now. I knew
how to use it immediately, as
well as how to make the desktop look exactly the way I wanted. I was able
to navigate my documents and applications exactly the way I wanted to. I
could do almost everything with it I do with a computer now - I could even
use it for live video chats with a program called iVisit.
And it is LIME GREEN. People came up to me in airports and hotel lobbies
to ask me about it. The guy at the Macintosh store in Cologne, Germany was
in love with it on first sight when I brought it in seeking additional
memory in 2001.
Because of the changes in most web sites (NONE of which improve content
delivery for users - it just makes it possible to send out more
advertising and eat up bandwidth) which prohibit many old browsers from
accessing such, because of changes in how wireless Internet works, and
because of some VoIP technologies that
aren't accessible, I finally had to buy a new computer (yes, a
Mac) in 2007 - and just a few years later,
yet another. And in 2020, yet another. I might donate an old
computer to FreeGeek PDX, or sell
one, but I do NOT want to give up my lime Green iBook.
I cannot get this key lime green clamshell iBook on the Internet anymore,
either wirelessly or plugged in directly to the Internet, but others say
that it IS possible. I'm not looking to surf the web, because I know
that's impossible because of modern web sites (except for maybe some very
simple mobile-ready web sites), but I would love to be able to listen to
online radio / live streaming via my clamshell. Someone on eBay was
selling a key lime green clamshell in 2016 and said that use of the
Internet on this machine, wired or wireless, does work, though
it's quite slow and subject to crashing. The seller said the wireless card
inside these laptops is “B” and, therefore, your Router/Access-Point needs
to be set up on WEP Security, NOT WAP (most networks today are “N”, with
WAP security). And even with Internet access, the seller says it is not
possible to use Facebook or YouTube or most social media sites. They said
Camino is the best web browser for this machine. But that seller also said
that the lime green iBook is still great for listening to and managing a
music library, for word processing (appropriate to the operating system),
and for keeping and looking at photos.
In January 2020, someone emailed me and said,
I removed the old airport card and installed a usb Edimax WiFi
connector, I’m back on the web again with my Key Lime iBook.
I would so love to do this, but don't know how! I'd love to be able to
listen to online radio on my old iBook instead of my current computer that
I'm working on! He also said:
I also changed out the old 800 x 600 LCD for a 1024 c 768 LCD, maxed
out the memory and a installed a 60GB SSD hard drive. Working much
better now! Renders websites perfectly and played DVDs too.
I'm not sure I want or need to do that, but there it is for others to
My Lime Green Clamshell details:
- OS 9.22 (I have read that it can run Mac OS X 10.2.8, Jaguar)
- Machine ID: 406
- Power PC G3
- 466 MHz (366-466 MHz)
- Disk cache 8160K
- Builtin memory: 320 MB
- DIMM1/J12 254 MB SDRAM
- Ethernet built-in (Wireless)
- FireWire
- DVD-ROM drive
I also have a vintage AirPort Base Station M8440, introduced in
November 2001. "It is only capable of providing a 802.11b wireless network"
- so does that mean cannot be used to access the Internet? Could it be used
as just a local network to transfer files? Anyone? It has two ethernet ports
and one USB port. It is not an AirPort Extreme. Back in the day, this base
station could serve a maximum of 50 wireless clients simultaneously. This
model is based on Motorola's PowerPC 855 processor and contained a fully
functional original AirPort Card, which can be removed and used in any
compatible Macintosh computer. From what I understand, for Internet
connections to an M8440 Airport base station, a laptop would need to be
directly connected to the base station, via an ethernet cable from the LAN
port on the base station to the ethernet port on your laptop. "Then, bring
up your AAU 3.1.1 to finish the reset." No idea what that means. The
software I have on my iBook to talk to it is Airport 2.0.4.
I would love to hear from you if you have an Apple Clamshell iBook and still
use it. What operating system do you use? What have you done to it in terms
of hardware upgrades/changes? Can you use it to access the Internet? What
software do you have on it, and what versions of such? And how do you
actually use it? Tell me more! Please contact
One issue I'm having with my clamshell iBook is that it no longer recognizes
CDs when I install music from such into the iTunes library. It plays them,
it saves the music, but it doesn't download or show any song or CD info. Any
ideas on what I can do to solve this?
On eBay, I found someone selling a Tangerine Apple iBook G3 300 MHz
Clamshell Running Debian Linux 8.6 - a 16 year old laptop/notebook that is
running a 2 month old operating system. "So in addition to being super retro
and cool looking, it also runs one of the newest, safest, and most stable
operating systems in the world." The profile says that "numerous programs
are installed including three different desktop environments and one window
manager (See picture 11). This means you have four variations of Debian
desktops and their associated programs to choose from. " It's model M2453,
an iBook G3 300MHz released in 2000). Other details: 40 GB IDE (2.5 inch
laptop hard drive); the original hard drives were 6 GB. CPU: 300 MHz PowerPC
processor, RAM: 576 MB (64 MB built in plus 512 MB). Video RAM = 4 MB.
Here's what the eBay seller says about it:
Is it slow? Yes, heavier programs are slow, but its not a complete
sleepfest as some things are actually fast. Check out the Various Programs
and Web Browsers video below. A few things are not going to work like most
movies, videos or video related projects. At 4MB, there just isn't enough
video RAM. Some music CDs work, some don't.
Did I "refurbish" it? Depends on your definition. This is what I know and
did. Purchased three dozen at a state auction in 2004. Quick external
cleaning, tested and kept stored for 12 years. Last month I disassembled
this one for inspection and to install a 40 GB hard drive. I upgraded the
RAM to its maximum amount of 576MB. I cleaned it externally and internally
as I proceeded. Normally there is very little dust, etc in these machines
because they have no fans. I also check for proper placement, loose
screws, heat spots, blocked exhausts, broken plastic, screw mounts, dried
thermal paste or pads and anything else out of the ordinary.
Here are actual test results from using the machine listed in this
auction. During tests, it was plugged into AC power and connected with
Cat5 Ethernet cable through a switch to a cable modem. Test times varied
some, so times are approximate, averaged or show a range. Other programs
were NOT open during tests. Your results may vary. Test results follow.
From pressing the power button to the login screen takes 1 minute and 35 -
40 seconds. After choosing a desktop environment and typing the password
at the login screen, it takes these times to reach full desktop for each
desktop environment:
Openbox: 5 - 8 seconds
LXDE: 27 seconds
Xfce: 42 seconds
KDE: 5 minutes and 5 seconds
It takes these times to shut down from each desktop environment:
Openbox: 2 seconds
LXDE: 14 seconds
Xfce: 15 seconds
KDE: 33 seconds
What about wireless internet? Numerous wireless devices work with
Debian. On this iBook model, one has two choices, Airport card or USB
wireless. Airport cards have old 802.11b WEP level security. Their
security, speed and range suck. Your other choice is to plug a wireless
device into the USB slot. The USB slot on these iBooks run at USB 1.1
speeds. If you can find a USB 1.1 wireless LAN device, it will suck like
the Airport card. Sadly, the speed of a USB 2.0 wireless device will
suffer dramatically in the USB 1.1 slot. If it works at all, there may be
no speed benefit and may be slower than the other two choices. Security
should be better than the other two as most USB 2.0 wireless devices have
802.11g WPA level security. Its hard to say which would be fastest of the
three possibilities. In any event, I strongly recommend using a high speed
wired connection for internet use.
Through December 2007, before I upgraded to a new computer, I used my
iBook, which still runs OS 9, to:
- maintain my contacts database of a few thousand business contacts
that tracks my interactions with them and "action needed" items, as well
as oh-so-much-more information; maintain my project management database
of my many activities; and maintain a billing database, all created by
yours truly on FileMaker Pro 5.0.
- design and manage various publications, from newsletters to
guidebooks to web sites
- manage my email (you don't even want to know how much email I get in
even just one day)
- work on my own web
- surf the web, and access newsgroups (yes, those still exist) and
various web-based discussion groups
(and still a few email-based ones as well).
- organize my many, many external web links and my own web pages
offline into my own simple intranet (sometimes, I turn these pages into
new pages on my web site, if I think others
might be interested in what I've compiled)
- interact with other students at Open
University via its First Class Client
- chat live with friends all over the world (via text-based chat)
- watch DVDs, either via the laptop or hooking my computer up to my TV
in Germany (yes, even though it's a European TV system, I could do that
with my American-bought computer)
- download and watch short videos (mostly movie trailers -I love movie
trailers- and silly commercials from friends).
- work on word-processing files, spreadsheets, and databases from other
organizations, developed in various different programs and on various
different machines (it's easy to share files among
others without specialized software).
- listen to the radio via the Internet; my favorite stations back in
the day were Hober Thinking Radio, AirAmerica
Radio, and KUT Austin (Texas). I
also listened to some radio stations via iTunes (bookliquor.com
is my favorite).
- organize, edit and alter photos from my digital camera (which is also
old; bought in 2001)
- create and alter graphics
- work from anywhere: home, someone else's home, someone else's office,
airport waiting area, etc.
- work wirelessly, and at home with my Airport, so did my then beau
(now husband) via his 586, which was then running Windows 98, with a
D-link device connected from his computer to my now-vintage Airport.
- practico mi Español con CD-ROM (the brand "Instant Immersion" is my
- splice together short videos I take with my digital camera, bought in
2001, and add my own voice overs and music as well as some text, to make
short Quicktime movies for my family and friends back in the USA (via
iMovie 2.0.1, which came already-loaded on my iBook when I bought it).
- record short audio files, including my own podcast.
- download songs from emusic.com
and organize these, along with songs from my CD collection, into various
playlists on iTunes
2.0.4 (took me forever to track down this last version of iTunes
for Mac OS 9). Alternatives to iTunes for Mac OS 9 include: Audion
2.5, MusicMatch 2.0, Cabrio 1.1 and Macast 1.0
- monitor various news outlets, online discussion groups and blogs via
RSS, as well as to monitor newswires automatically per certain
keywords, via My.Yahoo (however,
please note that Yahoo is about to discontinue support for Mac OS 9
users; if you have OS 9 and use an RSS reader, please let
me know what that is!)
- talk with other people via live audio chat, using iVisit
(it works SO much better than Skype).
- play a few simple computer games. I'm not much of a video gamer,
Some of those things you can still do with an iBook running OS 9 - but most
of the things I can't do anymore, because I cannot get the computer on the
Internet anymore, either wirelessly or plugged in directly to the Internet.
I would LOVE to be able to remedy
this, not to surf the web, because I know that's impossible because of
modern web sites (except for maybe mobile-ready web sites), but just to
listen to online radio / live streaming.
If you have any specific advice on getting
this iBook running OS 9 on the Internet - or if you have managed to do so
- please contact
What do I use my iBook for now? To:
- watch DVDs, either via the laptop screen or hooking my computer up to
my TV
- listen to MP3 files and CDs while working on my main computer,
cleaning, etc.
- create and alter graphics (sometimes easier to do than with what I
have on my Macbook)
- splice together short videos I take with my digital camera, bought in
2001, and add my own voice overs and music as well as some text, to make
short Quicktime movies (via iMovie 2.0.1, which came already-loaded on
my iBook when I bought it) - it's easier to do this on my iBook than my
I would love to use it to livestream radio stations, but can't get it on the
Internet. If you have any specific advice
on getting this iBook running OS 9 on the Internet - or if you have
managed to do so - please contact
I'm relatively certain I could get the computer on the Internet if I
upgraded the OS to 10, and I've heard it can be done. I've got the discs...
but I'm afraid to do it...
Here's advice for a web browser for the iBook:
Hi Jayne,
I was reading your article about how much you love your iBook. I
recently bought a G3 366 iBook (OS 9.1)
and I've found it to still be very fast and useful, but like you I
wanted a browser that supports modern
standards on older PPC Macs. As it turns out, there is one.
A while back some people started a Mozilla branch called Classilla, the
purpose of which is to create a
version of Mozilla which runs on OS 9 and incorporating support for
current encryption protocols, graphics,
and HTML/CSS/JS. The project URL is below. While they stress that
Classilla is technically in alpha, I've
found it works on most sites. There are some features which I note do
not work, such as importing your
profile from an another browser, but for web browsing it seems fairly
So there you have it. In my usage I've noted it uses about 23MB of RAM,
but it sounds like you've
upgraded your iBook so should have no problem.
I have an old Airport that both I and my then beau, now husband (an
IBM/Clone user with an old version of Windows) used to access the Internet
via wireless network. In August 2005, I bought a LaCie d2 Hard Drive
Extreme with Triple Interface (USB 2.0, FireWire 400, FireWire 800,
160GB), so that my data could stay here while I took my laptop on the road
more often -- and I saw a marked improvement in my iBook performance
because I moved so much data to the external hard drive. The LaCie hard
drive also makes backups a breeze. In addition, I installed (okay, a
friend installed) a 256 internal memory upgrade from ramjet.com, and that
made the iBook oh-so-much faster and more powerful. Total cost of the hard
drive and the memory upgrade: around $250. HOWEVER, now that my MacBook
also accesses the LaCie, my iBook takes several minutes to connect to
Could I use an iPod with my lime iBook? According to what I've read
online, only if it's a 1st or 2nd generation, and NOT anything later and
NOT a mini. Also, you need for the iPod to be loaded with all of its
original software and settings. Anything else
will NOT work with such a computer, because Apple has put in all
sorts of blocks on later iPods to prevent non-OSX users from using the
tools (and I've yet to read about anyone hacking such for OS9).
I could use a webcam with my iBook -- but I never bothered to buy one,
as none of my friends or family had such then, and few of my professional
associates used them when this was my primary computer.
What software am I running? It's all "old," and I share this list to
help others who are also running old machines (as far as I know, this is
the latest versions of all of the following that will work on a computer
such as mine):
- Operating system: 9.2.2, the last version of OS 9 released by Apple
- For email: when I downloaded mail, I used Eudora 6.1.1 Classic
(freeware). I haven't had time to check to see what online platforms
work with OS 9 web browers (YahooMail does NOT, for sure)
- For web browsing: Netscape 7.02, Mozilla 1.2.1 (freeware), Opera 6.03
(freeware), iCab 3.03 (freeware),
Classilla (freeware) and Internet Explorer 5 - they are all loaded on my
iBook. I think I am using the most recent versions of each of these that
is available for OS 9.2.2, but if I'm not, please let
me know. I'm not satisfied with any of them, by the way -- all
have major weaknesses. The one I use most? Opera.
- For PDF, Adobe Acrobat 5.0 (freeware)
- For live chats: Yahoo! Messenger 2.5.3 (freeware) - though I no
longer chat using this computer, so I have no idea if this still works
- For uploading pages to my web site: Fetch 3.0.1 (freeware)
- For creating web pages: BBEdit 5.1
- For database development: FileMaker Pro 5
- For word processing: AppleWorks 6 (ClarisWorks came with the iBook,
and free upgrades have been provided online) and Microsoft Office 2001
- For creating and altering graphics and photos: AppleWorks 6
- For watching DVDs: Apple DVD Player 2.2 (freeware, came with the
- To view short online videos: Quicktime 6.0.3 (freeware, last version
compatible with 9.2.2), Real Player 8 Basic (freeware), Windows Media
Player 7.1 (freeware)
- For creating my own movies, iMovie 2.0.1 (version released in 2000,
came with my iBook), with MoviePlayer 2.3.7 (version released in 1997);
the version of iMovie is supposed to be a demo version, but with the old
MoviePlayer application, I get full functionality.
- For making audio files: for short files, I use Simple Sound version
1.1 (from 1995; moved from an older Mac I owned previously); for longer
files or podcasts, I use Audacity 1.0.0 (came with my iMic, version
released in 2000; I bought the iMic so I could use a headset)
- For playing my favorite songs from my own CDs and listening to online
radio stations, iTunes
2.0.4 (freeware) or Audion 3.0.2a 9 (freeware, version released in
- For listening to radio stations, either Real Player 8 Basic
(freeware), or iTunes
2.0.4 (sadly, I have yet to find an online radio station or
podcast that can be accessed by these old versions now)
- To access the Open University intranet, to interact with other
students, First Class Client (freeware).
NOTE: Open University doesn't use this anymore. HUGE shame - it was
Read a
complete inventory of software I use on the iBook, and what is comparable
on the Macbook
Note : In 2006, when I tried to empty my trash on my iBook, I got a
-127 error message. The trash
showed a jpeg file that was more than 130 GB -- impossible on my little lime
iBook with just over 9 GB of disk space. The date and time also reset
itself, twice, to January 1, 1901. Zapping the pram or rebuilding the
desktop with TechTool did nothing, nor did using Disk FirstAid. Someone on
the Open
University Mac Users Forum recommended DiskWarrior,
and since nothing else would work and I couldn't find any other advice for
this problem, I ordered it. It arrived, I used it, and the -127 error was
gone and my computer trash was empty! I'm not the brightest bulb in the box
when it comes to technology tools (and cannot understand why anyone would
ever confuse me for a techie), but had no problems using DiskWarrior at all,
straight out of the box. And it was awesome to find a product that works
with OS 9x (let me say it again: not all of us have the funds to upgrade our
systems to OSX and all of our software to work with such). DiskWarrior not
only fixed my problem, it also cleaned up my iBook's "directory structure,"
(which it turns out it very much needed). An added bonus: DiskWarrior has an
internal diagnostic that can let you know if a drive is in danger of
physical malfunction, so you can back up your data before the drive fails
(something I'm always afraid of).
It is wasteful and silly to get rid of a computer and software just
because a new model or an upgrade has come out. I'm the same way about
vehicles. If I can still use it, and it does everything I need it to, why
upgrade? It's bad for the environment, I can't afford it, and even
when I can afford it, I'd rather spend my money on other things.
I used DOS-based computers in the work place (just for word-processing
and some basic database management) until 1990, when I worked at a place
that had Mac Classics and Mac SEs. And I fell in love with those
machines... So easy to use. Everything seemed intuitive. They worked the
way I think. No need to have a computer manual by my side. The desktop
publishing capabilities were awesome, particularly for a non-designer...
Later, I was thrilled with my very own Mac
Classic II -- what a work horse!
In 1996, I upgraded to a Macintosh Performa 6300. I wasn't thrilled with
it the first two years -- the hard drive failed, the mother board had to
be replaced, and the monitor had to be repaired twice. However, Apple
replaced or repaired all of these things for free, and once they were
fixed, the machine worked well at long last. It did everything I wanted it
to do -- surfed the Web, played Quicktime movies, designed brochures, and,
ofcourse, e-mail, e-mail, e-mail. And it made no difference that my work
place for a while was an IBM/Cloned environment -- it was easy-as-pie to
bring things home and work on them on the Mac.
But five years later, I was moving to Germany to work with a UN agency
and I decided I did, indeed, need a new, more powerful and more mobile
machine to do everything I needed to do online and off. I had intended to
buy a PowerBook. The salesperson at UT Campus Computer Center listened to
how I used my computer currently, how I intended to use a new computer in
the future, and why I liked Macs so much. She said that, based on my
information, the less-expensive, more durable iBook would be a much better
choice. She demonstrated a model for me, and I was impressed. There was no
cherry/red choice, so I went for the lime (it had more personality than
the blue or cobalt).
It arrived a week later. And I still love it. For seven years,
it did everything I needed it to. It made me a reborn Mac disciple. This
is how a computer should work! All I needed was a power adapter for
European electrical outlets, once I moved to Germany (available in many
large grocery stores and Woolworth's), and I was all set... I use a zip
drive or a memory stick to take care of file-transfer issues that can't be
resolved via e-mail.
Why am I not running OSX on the iBook? If a lime iBook user upgrades its
internal memory, as I have, he or she can run OS 10.2, but according to
most of what I've read, nothing higher than that. An unaltered lime iBook
cannot run OSX. As noted earlier, I have, indeed, upgraded my iBook's
internal memory... but I have not upgraded the OS. I don't see a reason
to, as I will lose almost all of my software if I do, because most of it
will no longer function on OSX. It will cost thousands of dollars to
replace all the software that will not work with OS X -- it would be more
economical to just buy an entire new computer.
I'm sad to say that, according to Greenpeace's Guide to Greener
Electronics, Apple ranks near the bottom in getting toxic chemicals out of
its products and adopting a first class recycling policy. The toxic
chemicals Apple uses in its products end up in scrap yards in Asia where
they contaminate child laborers and the environment. Apple's voluntary
'recycling' program is weak and non-existent outside the U.S. unless
required by local governments (I've certainly never heard of it, and I
visit the Apple web site frequently). In addition, Apple continues to
oppose the adoption of strong recycling programs in the U.S. Please tell
Apple to go green. I have!
iBook and other vintage Mac Resources
- Official apple product
discussions, which includes a section for OS 9. WARNING: some of
these people are very rude, rather than being helpful; if you can't
understand their advice and say so, expect a very condescending reply.
also, the advice is often "upgrade to a new Mac" which, ofcourse, is
completely unhelpful.
- Low End Mac forums
and other resources for iBook clamshells, features details about
the computer and online discussion groups. Lots of info on how to get
cutting edge functionality out of trailing edge (or any!) Mac hardware
and software.
- I spent my evening
setting up an original Blueberry-colored iBook “Clamshell” G3, an
excellent first-hand account of someone seeing just how far he could go
online with a clamshell iBook. Excellent advice, the best I've
- mac.oldapps.com, a database of
older versions of various Macintosh software.
- We love Macs:
iBook ClamShell Service Parts, a good site to find replacement
parts for your Clamshell
- ifixit
Clamshell Parts, a good site to find replacement parts for your
- os9forever provides some
helpful utilities and information
- Resources For Users of Older Computers
Even in the new millennium, you CAN get a lot out of such older computer
systems -- you can surf the Internet, send and receive e-mail, create
databases, do desktop publishing, etc. This tip sheet will show you that
a lot can be done with just a little technology, and where to find
resources for your older computer. LOTS of links to other resources as
- everymac.com is another
outstanding commercial site that offers better information about older
Macs than the Apple web site itself. The "Upgrade Cards" section is
particularly helpful. I'm particularly fond of the EveryMac.com's
iBook FAQ
- Keep Your Computer Humming:
Basic Vintage Computer Maintenance and Problem Solving
General tips for all computers, and specific information for both
Macintosh and IBM/Clone PC maintenance and problem-solving, basic
printer problem-solving, and things to do before you call technical
When you are ready to get rid of your old technology, be sure you recycle
or dispose of the technology properly, so that you do not contribute
to toxins poisoning our land and water.
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